Musescore 4 Tempo Issues

• Dec 18, 2022 - 19:36

When updating the tempo in Musescore 4 the tempo won't change until fully generating MP3 audio for cloud save.


I had the same problem, for me the problem was that I had changed the bpm in a part and not in the main composition. Changing it in the part only changed it visually. Changing it in the main composition seemed to solve the issue.

Something to be fixed for sure, but this is a workaround

In reply to by bobjp

Yeah so in musescore 3 I never had this problem even in the release directly before musescore 4. When I did a tempo change in 3 it would instantly compile the notes. This could be because I have the cloud save on but tempo change only works after recompiling the mp3 audio.

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