MS3-made Score saved in MS 4 - any way back to MS3 ?

• Dec 22, 2022 - 19:13

Hi there,

I carelessly opened a score made with MS 3.6.2 in Musescore 4 (and unfortunatedly saved it in MS4)
Multiple changes appeared to the score.
To correct them it would cost many hours.
So is there ANY way to get the score from MS4 back to MS 3.6.2. ?
First I tried copy and paste - it did not work, neither in general nor in detail ...
(I don't understand why .)

It was hard work to make this score, I am very unhappy now...

Thank you very much for any help,


In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you very much for this hint !

Reopened in MS 3.6.2. the score does not look like a twin of the one in MS 4, nor like it was originally in 3.6.2.
That is because Musicxml-ex/import will not transport the complete multiple formattings of a score (fortunadly some of them).
You can only exchange the "essential musical information" between different software, if I may say it this way,
but not the exact appearance.

So it seemes to be my fate to do all those corrections by hand - what a pity !

At least I learned always to have a secure copy before trying out a new version ...

I am still guessing why copy and paste is not working between ms4 and ms3.6.2 ....

In reply to by ulf

> "I am still guessing why copy and paste is not working between ms4 and ms3.6.2 ...."
Because the internal format that carries data was updated. It's why MS4 is a new major version number and not 3.7; because it allows to break compatibility in favor of progress.

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