Convert your PDF files

• Dec 22, 2022 - 23:49

Hello, I use Convert your PDF files to .mscz but sometimes it not working well which I understand. Howevere, this is what it bother me more: after I can not correct the scores ... there are extra beats and I can not delete or format them ... I need to delete the entire bar and write corrections. Is it any other ways to work with formated scores to .mscz? It is something I am missing here?

How to edit it??

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  • ... there are extra beats and I can not delete or format them...*

Selecting a note/rest and using Ctrl + Delete will completely remove it, thereby shortening the measure's total duration.
This can be used to get rid of those little + signs which you see on those measures with extra beats.

You can use
Tools > Bars> Split bars before selected note rest
to get rid of the excess and then delete the extraneous measure

In M3, the shortcut ']' works, but in M4 there is no predefined shortcut but you can reassign back to ] as it is not used elsewhere TMK.

Also, after formatting to .mscz sometimes there is one stave on the page.... How to move others from the next page OR pull this one to the others? How to move the staves? When I do it from the scratch - there is no problem like this (it levels automatically)

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