un-deletable corruption

• Dec 23, 2022 - 09:46

my score is corrupted, and i've identified the corruption as an extra rest in the violin 1 part that shouldn't be there. i have repeatedly deleted the measures containing the corruption by using ctrl+del and i has only reappeared in the measure before each time.; i cannot delete the corrupted rest by selecting it, and every time it appears i've deleted it i save and re-open the score and it is still there. can anyone help me? i'm using musescore 4 on windows 11 and the corrupted score is attached.

Attachment Size
undertale medley.mscz 145.58 KB


Think it is fixed now...
What I always do when this happens is open the mscz file in a ZIP program. (or rename it to zip if that helps).
Then extract the mscx file which is plain text XML.
This file can be opened in museScore, and you can directly edit it in a text browser

Attachment Size
undertale medley_fixed.mscz 108.75 KB

In reply to by lassebassen

thank you very much for fixing it!
on a somewhat unrelated note, in the original project i tried copying all the notes from the violin 1 stave to a new violin stave, which "fixed" it by removing the instrument containing the corruption, but now the project wont save without musescore crashing. are there any fixes for that?

In reply to by DOMINOLAM

I had the same issue with MS4, which corrupted my file and added extra rests that shouldn't be there. Crashes have been widely reported; some say they are due to sound default settings, but my issue remains with the extra rests that I cannot get rid of and the corrupted file.

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