MuseScore 4.0.0 AppImage
Hi, Gang!!!
I downloaded the last MuseScore 4.0.0 AppImage to my UbuntuStudio 22.04.1 LTS (64 bit Linux) installation and, I think, all is so fine. Oustanding sounds with the new Muse Hub system.
It is a human thing and the humans are not perfect, so...
I miss the easy way to add Reverberation sound effect to the instruments, when we use the standard SoundFont files. I don't see a way to get it with the new mixer.
What did I miss? ???
Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!
Welcome to the show, see #338522: MuseScore 4 no way to get rid of reverb
In reply to Welcome to the show, see … by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for your data, jojo!!!
Hello there,
the former MuseScore- has been working perfectly on my system (xenialpup64-7.5-uefi), but the last MuseScore-4.0.0-x86_64.AppImage does not start: nothing happens at all. The checksum is OK and I changed permissions just as I did with the former version; can't even get a hint from the command line, see below... Any good idea is greatly appreciated, thanx!
In reply to Hello there, the former… by capoverde
As root?
chmod +x MuseScore-4.0.0-x86_64.AppImage
the exec MuseScore-4.0.0-x86_64.AppImage probably does not work because the appimage is not in your path
to check:
which MuseScore-4.0.0-x86_64.AppImage
To start MS4 without installing, do:
In reply to As root? anyway chmod +x… by graffesmusic
Hi graffesmusic, thanks a lot for your help!
Yeah, with Puppy Linux one is always root (the reasons for this are made clear to all users).
an you also tell me where can I find them?
Anyway, I tried your solution and, as expected, it seems that there are some new dependencies; c
In reply to Hi graffesmusic, thanks a… by capoverde
So Puppy Linux xenialpup64-7.5-uefi is in fact Ubuntu Xenial, which was version 16.4.
I would upgrade the OS to a more recent version. I don't know puppy linux, but a quick search confirms woof supports Ubuntu 22.04 - amongst others.
In reply to So Puppy Linux xenialpup64-7… by graffesmusic
Hello graffesmusic!
As you suggested, the needed dependencies are satisfied using a more recent version of Puppy Linux (Fossapup64.9.5).
MScore 4 has even automatically updated to version 4.0.1; there are lots of changes, most of which are welcome -- an old Midifile, that was unusable when read by MScore3.6.2, is rendered and played perfectly by MScore 4.0.1.
But Muse-Hub doesn't work properly on my system: after connecting and making a destination directory, nothing gets loaded at all! Will try again.
More: how can the default reverb effect be avoided? I plan to mix all the audio files with Audacity, but they ought to be totally "dry" -- I found no "Reverb" control in the mixer :¬(
Thanks in advance and all the best!