Play-back with "rit." staff text fails
MuseScore 4.0.1. Score snippet attached.
Staff-text "rit." added to indicate a slow-down. Play-back engine crosses through this note and then corrupts all notes that follow in the score. Not sure what it is doing but sounds as if the note the "rit." is annotated on is held indefinitely.
Attachment | Size |
test-rit.mscz | 16.64 KB |
OK, it gets worse. In editing mode, with volume turned on, Musescore plays each note I select for its correct duration (normal behavior). However, if select any note beyond the "rit" indication, that note will sound indefinitely until I click on another note.
In reply to OK, it gets worse. In… by esplumer
So don't add rit as staff text. Possible hold over from other software. Select the note where you want the rit to start. Go to the Tempo palette and select rit.
In reply to So don't add rit as staff… by bobjp
It is actually the text that I needed in the score; I was less concerned about making it slow down on playback ... but it should not have this behavior of playing a note forever.
As another note, I may not have used the text pallet entry called "Staff Text" but one of the others with a font I preferred. Do the different entries in the "text" pallet actually have different play-back side-effects? If so, where can we see what they are in a score?
In reply to It is actually the text that… by esplumer
Yes. This is new. Items in the text and tempo palettes affect playback. But you can change the font.
Do a little research and figure out how the program works. Add rit from the tempo palette to a note. Then select the word rit and open the playback properties to see or adjust the slowdown,
In reply to Yes. This is new. Items in… by bobjp
OK, I played with the "real" version on RIT and see the playback properties; that is nice to see.
Then, I retested my scenario and confirmed that I had used the "pizz." element in the "Text" menu which I had relabeled "rit." This does not have a play-back property so I am surprised it has an audio side-effect rather than just being text as the pallet title implies. However, of the half-dozen text entries I have since tried, only "pizz." has the undesirable behavior ... fortunately, I am not a string player ;-)
Moderators: should I repost this problem with "pizz" using a different title?
In reply to OK, I played with the "real"… by esplumer
But several of the items in the Text palette from pizz on down do have playback properties. This is how you learn to use the software. There isn't a problem with the software. You were just trying to make it do something it is not designed to do.
In reply to But several of the items in… by bobjp
Recalling my initial post, if I select a note annotated with "pizz" , the note will sound forever in the editor. Likewise, if I play-back that score, once the playing reaches that note, the note will sound continuously on top of the rest of the play-back until the end of the score. I am not seeing any way this behavior can be "correct". It certainly is not "pizzicato". Unless no one else is reproducing this, I still maintain that this is a bug, just not the one I thought it was originally.
In reply to Recalling my initial post,… by esplumer
There is no pizz technique for recorder. So I'm not surprised something odd happens when you try to apply it. Pizz is a string instrument technique only. String as in violin family. I suppose you could report it as a bug. But honestly just know that it doesn't make any sense to make the software do something that is impossible. If you want short notes, you need to mark them staccato.
In reply to There is no pizz technique… by bobjp
Thanks bobjp for all the help. Now that I understand that some of the "text" element have secret playback behavior. I will avoid repurposing them. Remember, I was never trying to mark the score with pizzicato :-)
However, I am still confused. When I insert a "pizz." into the score, the "Play-back" properties are empty. I still can't find any indicator in the UI to show whether a "text" element has playback effects. Where else should I be looking?
Rather than a bug report, I will just leave two suggestions:
(1) Mixing pure-text elements and elements that actually implement some play-back effect is pretty confusing. I would suggest separating these into distinct pallets as the simplest way to distinguish them.
(2) A desirable refinement to the implementation of play-back effects applied to non-supported instruments would be for them to "do nothing". This would be much better than doing something that makes the UI act "broken".