Corruption expanding

• Apr 9, 2023 - 16:23

I have a simple score that I input via keyboard and mouse. It plays fine but reports corruption. The descriptions are rather obtuse and inexplicable. With a staff that is just kick drum with 1/8th notes and empty measures with a full rest reporting things like "Incomplete measure: Part score: Kick, measure 17, staff 9. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4." It now lists hundreds of these.
Also reports like "Corrupted measure: Full score, measure 46, staff 11." Which tells me nothing about what's wrong or what to do about it. I can find an identical measure for the full score that isn't reported as corrupt and copy and paste it into the corrupt measure and it doesn't matter.
I also let Musescore respell pitches and regroup rhythms.
I tried exporting and opening an .mxl but when I try to open it it reports that it's "not valid". So that's unhelpful... and another issue.

Please advise. Thank you.

iMac M1 24" 16GB, OS 13.3.1,
Musescore, Revision dbe7c6d

Attachment Size
Errors from clipboard.png 197.58 KB
MXL invalid.png 72.53 KB
Measure 1.png 40.15 KB
Measure 46.png 81.34 KB
Measure 74.png 90.88 KB


Try to reset your parts.
Or, try to extract the mscx file. You can do that by opening the mscz file with a zip tool.

I extracted the mscx an can open it with MuS 3.6.2 (after correcting the measure repeat commands).
Ok, some sounds are wrong due to the different sound generation in MuS 4.

In reply to by bobjp

Oops, no, for that score indeed more magic was involved (I was confusing threads), but I don't recall the exact details anymore, I think I inserted 3 fresh measures before the corruption, copy/cut and pasted the 3 old (and partly corrupted) measures accross, then deleted the old ones. And I also did reset all parts, IIRC

In reply to by bobjp

If you open a mscx file in MuS 3.6.2 that was created by MuS 4 then the repeat measure signs lead to blank measures because of different tag names. One uses <repeatmeasure> the other has the tag <measurerepeat>.
If I have such a file I use a text editor to replace this string in the the mscx and can open it sucessfully in MuS 3.6.2. But it works only with the single measure repeat.
If you like to do the same use the replace strings without the "<" at the beginning.

In reply to by HildeK

OK. Because this is how I learn stuff, I tried this. Unsuccessful. I searched for all of one of the tag names and replaced them with the other. That part worked, but made no differrence. Leaving out the"<" produced a file that wouldn't open. So I messed up somewhere.

In reply to by bobjp

I wonder what you are doing :-).
I use e.g. the Notepad++ and there the function 'replace':
ScreenShot 978 Ersetzen.png
You need to do the replacement including the '>' sign and not with the '<' at the beginning because of the end tag of this block which has a slash.

Ok, as I just found out, just replacing 'MeasureRepeat' with 'RepeatMeasure' is sufficient, since the other tag called 'measureRepeatCount' is ignored by 3.6.2.

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