Text Alignment

• Aug 9, 2014 - 00:28

Have text alignment options been moved, or even removed (by accident)?

I can't see anything.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5a616ff) - Mac 10.7.5.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Sorry I didn't give an example (it was late at night!).

If you go into Composer in 1.3, you are able to choose how text is aligned. I can't see this in 2.0 and seems to set its own alignment if you open a 1.3 score.

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).

Expected result: Text appears as suggested.

Text Alignment (Expected result).png

Actual result: Text always appears as follows: Lyrics - left-aligned, Title - centre, Composer - right-aligned.

Text Alignment (Actual result).png

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5a616ff) - Mac 10.7.5.

In reply to by chen lung

Text seems to be a problem elsewhere too.

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Right-click stave.
3. 'Stave Properties…'.

Expected result:

Stave Properties (Expected result).png

Actual result:

Stave Properties (Actual result).png

Note: Regardless of what you change (e.g. centring the short instrument name text), whatever Stave Properties displays is applied - the latter not reflecting what is currently set in the score (notice that everything in instrument name is on the one line).

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5a616ff) - Mac 10.7.5.

In reply to by chen lung

Likely related to this , I wanted to add to it:

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Right-click stave.
3. 'Stave Properties…'.
4. Tick 'Do not hide if system is empty'.
5. 'OK'.

Result: The line break of the instrument name has been discarded.

Do not hide if system is empty discards line break of instrument name in 1.3 score.png

Note: I couldn't seem to reproduce in a 2.0 score.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (7cd411a) - Mac 10.7.5.

In reply to by chen lung

I'm still confused. Your first post said you couldn't see the text alignment options at all - implying you actually opened the Text styles or Text Properties dialogs and the control were missing. I guess you are actually not talking about those dialogs, but instead, the manual overrides that are present in the text editing toolbar while editing a text? These have indeed been moved to the Text Properties dialog.

In general, custom formatting (ie, overrides to overall text properties made via the toolbar) present in a 1.3 score *is* honored in 2.0. But there are a few specific limitations, and the removal of the relX and relY parameter may be responsible for why it doesn't work with respect to right aligning text within a left aligned block. That was the subject of some debate as I recall; I don't remember what the resolution was.

Anyhow, the answer to your original question is: text alignment in general is still in Text Style and Text Properties dialog, but it is removed from the local overrides present in the text editing toolbar.

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