Soundfont mixer sounds not selecting the sound I click on (Ver 3.6)

• Jun 20, 2023 - 21:26


I've been having this issue where when I click on a sound that I got from a soundfont and it will select another sound that I didn't click on. For example, Strings1 is 3 sounds away from SlowStr, but when I click Strings1, it sets the sound to SlowStr, no matter what I do. A few of the surrounding instruments also turn to SlowStr when I click them. This also happens in other spots, including GrPiano turning into PianoStr. How do I fix this?


I assume you mean the current version of MuseScore, 4.0.2? Are these all names of separate soundfonts you downloaded from somewhere and installed? Is it possible the sounds simply aren't what you think they are?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Oh sorry.

Your comment: I assume you mean the current version of MuseScore, 4.0.2? Are these all names of separate soundfonts you downloaded from somewhere and installed? Is it possible the sounds simply aren't what you think they are?

Reply: They're different sounds from the same soundfont. And no, I know the last question isn't true.

In reply to by SkyMatrix

In that case, in order for someone to investigate, you'd need to post a link to the soundfont. But be aware, bugs that only occur in 3.6.2 are not likely to ever be fixed since MU4 has replaced it. If you split your soundfont into individual files - or just take advantage of the superior Muse Sounds and VST instruments - then there should be no need to remain on MU3 anyhow.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I remain on Musescore 3 because I'm used to the layout and how things work. I went on musescore 4 to try to fix the soundfont issue but it just straight up won't let me change instrument sounds, all it does is let me pick a soundfont and loads the default sound from that soundfont. The soundfont I'm using can be downloaded here.

Actually, while writing this, I fixed my issue. I downloaded this soundfont that's exactly like the other one, except not broken:

In reply to by SkyMatrix

As I said, if you split the soundfont into separate files (using a number of freely available utilities), you can change the sound., A more direct way will be coming in a future update. but again, have you actually tried the new Muse Sounds, or any of the many available VST instruments? Chances are these are so much better than the soundfont you have been stuck with so far, and once you hear much better your score can sound in MU4, you would never want to go back.

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