How to move the "MuseScore" folder?

• Jun 22, 2023 - 01:41

MuseScore automatically created a folder in my "Documents" folder. It contains several sub-folders, but none of them contain anything. The problem is I don't want it there because I'm trying to keep this folder exclusively for my personal documents and not technical app and software stuff that I'll never look into. I've tried moving the folder somewhere else, but MuseScore just re-creates it when I open it. I can't find somewhere in the actual app that would allow me to re-locate this folder, either. How can I do this?


But those folders will contain things as you use the program. It it the default save location for your "Personal " scores. The actual "tech" stuff is in other places. Like AppData, and Program Files. You'll never look into add on fonts, or plugins, or your custom templates?
You would have to look into re-associating MU4 with that file in a new location.
Lots of programs create folders in the Documents folder. And it is for things you will use.

In reply to by bobjp

> You'll never look into add on fonts, or plugins, or your custom templates?
No. I don't even know what half of those are. I won't use MuseScore very often, probably only for very basic stuff that almost certainly won't need the things you just talked about, so definitely not something I'll use. Also, this is the first time stuff like this lands over in my Documents file, so I'm not sure which programs you're referring to.

In reply to by samuelchouine

I understand. Both of my video editing programs (one by Adobe and one by Corel), at least one audio program, one PDF reader, my benchmark program, and a few others all create at least one folder in Documents. You may not use any of those things, but it is normal for some programs to do this.

In reply to by samuelchouine

> Documents folder is something that is, I believe, meant for personal documents.
Are your own sheet music and scores not personal documents?

In Musescore 3 you can specify the folder paths where these things should be stored in the preferences (Edit/Preferences/General). This is also possible in Musescore 4, see
The way Musescore sets it up during installation makes sense! Important is the folder 'Scores' for your personal music sheets.
However, the folders for the styles, templates, etc. are always needed as well. Because there are also files that can be customized according to personal needs. Yes, it may be that some remain empty, but in the subfolder of Documents/Musescore X it does not bother at all. You may not need these, but most other users do.

In reply to by HildeK

Yes, my scores are personal documents, but MuseScore doesn't even store my scores in that folder at all! It asks me where I want to put them and I have a separate folder specifically for this. Also, regarding specifying where to store these things in the preferences, I have tried this. At first, it seems to work, but when I open the app, it still recreates the folder in Documents for some reason, even though the preferences clearly state those folders should be stored where I want them to.

Do you use a mac? If you do you, just click and hold on the entire folder and move it where you want it. It helps to use finder for that.

I needed to free some space on my relatively small boot drive. One of the directory I moved to secondary, much larger hard drive was MuseScore4 folder in Documents. I first copied it, than opened MuseScore4 and changed location of folders in Preferences/Folders. Made sure it works after I just renamed the original folder on C:
All good so I deleted the renamed folder and gained over 13 Gb of space.
Hope this helps... 😉

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