Muse Sounds Instruments Range

• Jun 19, 2023 - 03:28

I need help on the range of some instruments for MuseScore 4. For example , the clarinets range on MuseScore 4 stops playing at D#6 and above but on a real clarinet, you can play up to A6 I think. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


It's known indeed that they only recorded what they recorded, and notes outside that won't sound. Gradaully they've been adding more notes and presumably will continue to do so.

This is fixed in the current Muse Woodwinds (released ~July 15 2023). The clarinet standard range goes up to C7, and the folks at Muse Woodwinds outdid themselves, as now clarinet in Muse Sounds goes all the way up to D7. Thank you MuseSounds team !

The Alto Sax Range should have its range extended down to Concert C3 (which is written as A3 below the Staff) because they make Low A Alto Saxophones & the advantage of that is that they have a larger note range & better intonation too.

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