Saving Files

• Mar 15, 2020 - 19:28

How do I save Musescore files on my own computer?


All the usual save methods - the disk icon on the toolbar, File / Save, File / Save As, or the shortcut Ctrl+S - same as any other program on your computer.

MacBook Pro Musescore 4
Save a Copy......
To the Cloud (free) or On Your Computer
(On Your Computer selected) followed by.....
Your score could not be saved - Permission denied

In reply to by DanielR

It is true for MuS 3 and for Windows: if I have created a new score and simply apply 'Save', Musescore opens the Musescore installation folder by default. Only an admin user has the rights to save there - but of course they shouldn't. You have to navigate to the right folder ...
Maybe this behavior is similar with MuS 4 and on a Mac.

In reply to by HildeK

Definitely MuseScore should not be defaulting to the installation folder! It defaults to Documents/MuseScoreX/Scores (where X is either 3 or 4) on all platforms. That's on a new installationor after Help / Revert to factory settings. After you start using MsueScore, it defaults to the last-used folder. You can also change the default in the Preferences dialog.

You can of course also navigate where you want, but under no circumstances should any version of MuseScore be defaulting to a read-only folder on any platform.

P.S. you might be thinking, "what if my last saved folder is read only - then if will indeed default to a read-only folder". I started to think that too, then I caught myself - if it's read-only, you couldn't have just saved there (unless you changed permissions after saving).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Okay, you are right.
I'm sure I didn't change the default folder setting in the "Preferences", but it was changed. After I corrected the setting to ".../Documents/MuseScoreX/Scores", the program behaves again as it should and as it had behaved a long time ago.
I do not know how this came about.

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