Musescore not letting me beam the way I want

• Jun 24, 2023 - 14:23

Yesterday I was working on that cello concerto I mentioned. Musescore is always crashing. Every time it crashes I find the beaming in the oboes and flutes at measure 7 is different than how I set it up. The first voice stays the way I want, but the second voice always changes to a very strange beaming technique for compound time. It just won't let me.

Btw, do you think uninstalling mu3 will help keep 4 it from crashing so often?

Attachment Size
My Cello Concerto.mscz 463.21 KB


MU3 won't cause a problem.

I tried a few things. Your results may differ.
1. When I fix the beams in measure 7, save and reopen, indeed the beams revert.
2. Create a new 12/8 oboe score with the beams like you want. C + P one measure of new score into measure 16 of your score. Save and reopen. Result, beams stay correct.
3. Fix beams in measure 7. C + P measure 7 of your oboe part into measure 17 of your score. C + P does not retain fixed beams. Interesting.
4. Fix beams in measure 17. "Save as" and reopen. Correct beams are retained in measures 16 and 17.

No idea what it means.

In reply to by Asher S.

I think you have deleted the rests in voice 2. Therefore there is no rest that can be beamed over. It is usually better to make the rests invisible. See here for further details…

You can restore the rests by exchanging voices 1 and 2 in the two-voice section twice from the Tools>Voices menu. t
(That is once to re-create the rests by moving voice 1 with the missing rests to voice 1 and the second exchange to move them back again to voice 2 where you need them,) Then apply the beam middle and finally make the voice 2 rests invisible.

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