Missing items from Musescore

• Oct 9, 2023 - 20:05
  1. There's no doted half notes
  2. Won't allow 2 ties between 2 notes on piano scores
  3. Junk rests that show up in imported midi files won't erase


  1. please read https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/entering-notes-and-rests#selecting-…
    Any note can be a dotted note. The icon is misleading in the toolbar.

  2. please make sure both notes are selected when you add the tie, if you don't it will allow you to only tie one of the two notes.

  3. rests in voice 1 cannot be deleted. Either swap voice 1 and voice 2 so that the notes are in voice 1. After this you can delete the rest or just select the rest and press V to make them not visible.

Hope this helps.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

  1. True. You can also add double and triple dots. Click the Gear at the right of the tool bar and scroll down.

  2. Notes can indeed be tied one at a time. I just did it. Besides, the OP really wants dotted whole notes.

  3. If it is a bogus rest that places a "+" sign at the end of a measure, try selecting the rest and CTRL+DEL.

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