Corrupted file won't open

• Oct 10, 2023 - 18:41

I worked on this file for 2 days and saved it and when I opened it again it said corrupted.

Attachment Size
9 Polynesia DIHTY.mscz 34.55 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jo

Here is another request please. I'm using ver 4.1.1 and I need to set repeats that are more than just 1 repeat, sometimes there are 3 or more repeats. I believe you can set a custom range, and even skip a number in the sequence of a repeats (voltas). I would most likely need these the most: 1. 1.2. 1.2.3.
Then I would need to enter a following number for when going on past the repeats to the next bar. I've searched hours on the Internet and on the program and the Handbook

I've tried to right click on the end of the bar as is suggested, then select Measure Properties, but it does not exist, all I get is Bar Properties which does not have a counter for repeats. Can you advise please, this is basic stuff and I just need to get into the Measure Properties and get this to work.

In reply to by [DELETED] 42299372

New question so best to use a new topic with a headline which makes sense.

For a repeat section with voltas first you need a end repeat bar line. The measure which has this barline has a property 'Play count'; for first and second eding (the most common usage) this value is per default 2.
Then you can select the voltas itself. They have a text field but this is only for the sheet and has no effect for playback.
A second field is a property "Repeat list" where you must specify on which round this measure(s) should be played.
If you have more than two voltas you must have more than one end repeat barline, a larger value in 'Play count' and of course you need to specify for every volta line the repeat list.
There is much information in the handbook:…
and especially for complex voltas:

In reply to by HildeK

Thanks but that was not useful at this point because you did not explain how to get into the VOLTA tab with the fields I can adjust. But I found it myself…

First I created a Volta 1. on the music by selecting the 1. bracket from REPEATS & JUMPS in Palettes.
Then I opened the Properties tab. Next I clicked on the actual Volta bracket in the music which highlights tiny corner boxes. This action reveals the VOLTA tab on the Properties tab on which there are fields that I then adjust. This drops a NEW bracket over the original Volta 1. bracket on the music. This first bracket needs to be deleted to leave the new bracket.

Is there a more direct and quicker way to get to the VOLTA tab to adjust fields? Secondly, could you include this in the HANDBOOK step by step? Thirdly, can the developers come up with another way to select the VOLTA tab, either in the top tabs or have it displayed permanently in the Properties tab, and ALSO give just a few more commonly used numbered options under REPEATS AND JUMPS in Pallettes?


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