Note offset

• Dec 22, 2023 - 17:10

I know that Inspector of Musescore 3 is in Properties of Musescore 4 now. Do I have to set the offset for the note and for the stem separately? Can I do that altogether for the entire accord? [It would be sad if no, Musescore 3 did allow that].
The attached image has the dotted notes in the 1st voice. I want to offset them -3.85 cm for them to merge with the first notes in the triplets in the second voice.

Attachment Size
Capture.PNG 17.14 KB


When I set the offset separately for each note (E and G# above) and for the stem, the horizontal bar still stays where it is. How to force it to extend? I didn't see anything like that in Musescore 3

In reply to by blvsntl

This is what I see in the properties panel when I select that first sixteenth note, the E in voice 2.


Note the horizontal offset = -2.5 and visibility is checked.

If I reset the offset to zero and uncheck the visibility the noteheads become merged (or at least look as if they are merged). Like this:


In reply to by SteveBlower

Thank you for your effort. Apparently, the problem is deeper. When I open that file, this is what I see.
When that note is visible:
When that note is invisible:
(See, they are closer, but still not there)
For both cases, the offset has the value 0:

I am surprised that we don't see the same thing. I did reinstall Musescore 4, reboot the computer and seemingly did everything what should be done. Any ideas what's going wrong.

I also noted that your palette tab is cleaner, but I don't think that is the issue. I have just installed Musescore 4 and didn't adjust it foк myself yet (you apparently did).

In reply to by blvsntl

There is no need to move anything. Indeed, having an offset prevents the noteheads merging. If there is no offset and the shorter notehead is invisible, the stem and beams move automatically to line up with the longer note giving the impression of overlapping noteheads. At least, that is what should happen.

Are you perhaps selecting more than just the notehead. That would also cause the different appearance of the properties panel. To clarify, here is the process broken down into small steps.

  1. Press Esc to ensure you are not in note input mode
  2. Right click on the notehead of the first sixteenth note.
  3. Select the properties tab
  4. Select the Appearance tab.
  5. Untick the visible box
  6. Click on the circular arrow reset button in the Offset section.

Or, perhaps you are using a different version. I am using version 4.2.0 on Windows 10.

Another thing to try is a factory reset. Help>Revert to Factory Settings. Of course, that is a bit drastic as it will remove any customisations you have made, but perhaps it is just those customisations that are causing the problem.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thank you for the detailed answer. Unfortunately, nothing helped (factory reset included, the Musescore version is the same as yours etc.). I believe that it is what we have when we switch to the newer version of the software. I tried to retype that bar anew and everything worked like a charm:

So thank you for your involvement. I am going to retype those bars...

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