Add horizontal orientation view in MuseScore App for Android (Mobile/Tablet)
Please consider adding this feature to the whole app rather than partially.
Please consider adding this feature to the whole app rather than partially.
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The mobile apps are not being dealt with here on
In reply to The mobile apps are not… by Jojo-Schmitz
Why is there so much lack of support for the mobile apps?
I found this article which was posted a year and a half ago and hasn't gotten any replies from the dev team:
Someone wrote there that this issue has been reported several times, and still no action has been taken.
Try posting on the support group for MuseScore on Android:
In reply to Try posting on the support… by DanielR
Why is there so much lack of support for the mobile apps?
I found this article which was posted a year and a half ago and hasn't gotten any replies from the dev team:
Someone wrote there that this issue has been reported several times, and still no action has been taken.
In reply to Why is there so much lack of… by KumarjitDey
"Why is there so much lack of support for the mobile apps?"
Because this is the wrong place to look for support for the mobile apps. See
In reply to "Why is there so much lack… by SteveBlower
That's at least why is there so much lack of support for the mobile apps here
In reply to That's at least why is there… by Jojo-Schmitz
The posts in that website ( rarely gets a response from the dev team. Like one of the users commented and I have mentioned this is in my comment above, which you probably didn't read, this issue has been reported n number of times before, but it seems like devs are not interesting in fixing this annoying bug for some reason, which should have been fixed long time ago.
The reason I keep posting here is that when ever I google musescore android forum, this website appears first in the search list. And it is also stupid to have different websites for different platforms. It confuses people.
In reply to The posts in that website … by KumarjitDey
"And it is also stupid to have different websites for different platforms. It confuses people."
It's not entirely stupid, though I agree that it can be confusing.
This website and these forums on .org support the free MuseScore desktop notation program (for Windows, Linux and MacOS). It's all run by volunteers.
That website supports the commercial aspect (online score sharing, mobile apps, optional subscriptions). And the commercial activities such as mobile apps can only be improved if you ask on - for example in the following places:
or ask by email:
In reply to "And it is also stupid to… by DanielR
It should be added that the scores on were created with the MuseScore notation program, which is available on, and can also be opened with it. That is the main thing they have in common.