My file is corrupt and I can't fix it
I tried googling a bunch but I don't know what to fix.
This is the error message it gives me:
Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
Attachment | Size |
Holst Medly.mscz | 35.89 KB |
I tried googling a bunch but I don't know what to fix.
This is the error message it gives me:
Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
Attachment | Size |
Holst Medly.mscz | 35.89 KB |
Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.
Look at the How To: (but the error code seems to say the file is empty)
In reply to Look at the How To: https:/… by elsewhere
The zip is corrupted (end damaged)
$:~/downloads$ unzip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, period.
Attempting to repair zip:
$:~/downloads$ zip -FF --out
Fix archive (-FF) - salvage what can
zip warning: Missing end (EOCDR) signature - either this archive
is not readable or the end is damaged
Is this a single-disk archive? (y/n): y
Assuming single-disk archive
Scanning for entries...
copying: score_style.mss (9987 bytes)
copying: Holst Medly.mscx (4113 bytes)
copying: Thumbnails/thumbnail.png (21702 bytes)
copying: audiosettings.json (336 bytes)
copying: viewsettings.json (45 bytes)
copying: META-INF/container.xml (158 bytes)
Central Directory found...
No guarantees about completeness
In reply to The zip is corrupted (end… by graffesmusic
It opens cleanly with a 4.0.2 pre-release
In reply to It opens cleanly with a 4.0… by Jojo-Schmitz
Can you help me? It says my file is empty and I've tried everything and can't make it work. Please help..
In reply to Can you help me? It says my… by anth0109gym
This might help
In reply to This might help by Ashley - TMF
Could you help me with this file, I've tried to fix it but I can't, Can you help.
In reply to Could you help me with this… by c7qmhd5sps
This file contains only garbage. It does not look like a zipped file at all. mscz files are zipped files.
Opened with an editor, you will see the following:
Typical would be this type (from another mscz file), the first two characters 'PK' (and a few more) indicate zipping:
I am sorry, your file is completely damaged and cannot be repaired. At least it is no file which was saved by MuseScore ...
In reply to This might help by Ashley - TMF
hey i'm so sorry to bother you but i'm working on transcribing a piece but when i tried to open it earlier today it was curropted. do you think you or anyone could please help me? (i've tried to look up how to fix it but it doesn't make much sense to me)
In reply to hey i'm so sorry to bother… by karma123aga
Seems to be corrupt beyone repair
In reply to The zip is corrupted (end… by graffesmusic
It worked. Thank you so much :)
In reply to The zip is corrupted (end… by graffesmusic
Hi! I have the same problem. May I ask you to help, please?
In reply to Hi! I have the same problem… by glleee
Your file apparently contains no meaningful data: it's really very small compared with a score file with real music. Sorry, but I don't think that there is any data to recover.
In reply to Hi! I have the same problem… by glleee
It is a corrupt ZIP archive and a such beyond repair
In reply to The zip is corrupted (end… by graffesmusic
i have the same issue. can you fix it too?
In reply to i have the same issue. can… by malkiayez
Try this
In reply to Try this by Jojo-Schmitz
Jojo-Schmitz, Could you fix mine? It's the same "Empty Document" error that the others have had.
In reply to Jojo-Schmitz, Could you fix… by prestontru08
No, it doesn't contain any mscx file
In reply to No, it doesn't contain any… by Jojo-Schmitz
What does that mean? Is my file not attached?
In reply to What does that mean? Is my… by prestontru08
You did attach a file with the extension .mscz which is basically a zip archive/file. It should contain an .mscx file - the MuseSore music - and other files relating to style etc. Your .mscz file is incomplete and either does not contain an .mscx file or the code is disrupted and the .mscx file cannot be found and read.
In reply to He means you attached a file… by underquark
so….how do i fix that?
In reply to so….how do i fix that? by prestontru08
Search for a backup
In reply to Search for a backup by Jojo-Schmitz
Unfortunately... My backup is affected by the same error message; hence, why I am stumped. Maybe this one contains the .mscx file? I'm not sure how or why it would not contain the right content.
In reply to Unfortunately... My backup… by prestontru08
> Maybe this one contains the .mscx file?
Sorry, there is no mscx file included either.
Please help me, my score is corrupt. Help fix it.
See the error message on 4.0.2: Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
In reply to Please help me, my score is… by pcalaebuka
It doesn't contan a main score at all, but still has one experpt, that though is basically empty
Ah, here's what I found, deeply nested.
And repaired.
In reply to It diesn't contan a main… by Jojo-Schmitz
Very strange mscz file with this content.
I was about to ask you how you did it. Then I discovered it myself ...
In reply to It diesn't contan a main… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi I also need help please!! I'm also curious about how you're doing this, but I'm also more concerned about this school project I was working on, so right now I care more about the results than the process.
In reply to Hi I also need help please!!… by Matt Majee-Gy
Never mind, I found the problem, it was the issue of having the autosaves somehow in the same folder as the original file. All I had to do was delete the autosave files and it fixed itself.
In reply to It diesn't contan a main… by Jojo-Schmitz
Wow! Thank you so much sir.
I love musescore. It's repaired indeed. May God bless and keep you!
In reply to It diesn't contan a main… by Jojo-Schmitz
Could you possibly help me retrieve this corrupted score?
In reply to Could you possibly help me… by toimenschaik
Your file contains nothing but about 42kByte of zeros. That means: no content, irreparably damaged.
In reply to Your file contains nothing… by HildeK
Please help me, I'm devastated, worked almost a week with this and lost the whole thing due to the same issue...
In reply to Please help me, I'm… by Busadri
See if this helps:
Constellations Muse Main-2.mscz
If someone could help me with the same issue I'd be extremely grateful.
The error message:
Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
In reply to If someone could help me… by jamiealpherts@…
Sorry, that files contains no musical information, just a bunch of bytes of value 0.
I checked it using "Bless" hex editor in ubuntu. Similar programs are available for other platforms should people wish to check their files.
In reply to Sorry, that files contains… by underquark
That's really unfortunate, but thanks for trying to help. I checked my musescore backups, which contains the file as an MSCZ~ File. I can't seem to open it with anything, and I can't even share it as an attachment. This is similar for all the backups Musescore 4 makes for me by the way. Is there anything I'd be able to retrieve from that file?
In reply to That's really unfortunate,… by jamiealpherts@…
Rename that trailing ~ away (and the leading dot, and, on Windows, get rid of the System setting)
In reply to Rename that trailing ~ away … by Jojo-Schmitz
I see, thanks. Unfortunately the backup also contains nothing but zero's, but thanks for helping.
Hi, I also have this issue and I'm not sure how to fix or attempt to repair it (Even though I've read the instructions I can't make heads nor tails of them). If anyone could help that'd be greatly appreciated.
I've also added my current Muse score diagnostic files. If that also helps.
In reply to Hi, I also have this issue… by kaigilliam123
That opens OK for me.
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.2-230651545, revision: dbe7c6d
In reply to That opens OK for me. OS:… by underquark
So what else could be the problem if it works on your end? Also should I use the link you provided to try opening the file instead?
In reply to Hi, I also have this issue… by kaigilliam123
Opens cleanly for me, but immediatelly shows the 'modified' asterisk, so here it is saved again
In reply to Opens cleanly for me, but… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you, Kindly.
I also have this problem, sorry to ask, but if anyone could help that would be really amazing :)
In reply to I also have this problem,… by lilamcollins
This is unfixable. The file just contains lots of bytes of value 0.
Me too, I have two, i hv read and all but still am confused, tried but dk what to do with the error details which i have copied.
error messages:
waltz in f#minor: Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
revolutionary song : Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
In reply to Me too, I have two, i hv… by awkeshen
As mscz files are zip archives, I opend both and extracted the uncompressed mscx of each. You can do the same and open the mscx using MuS 4.
Both can be opened in MuS 3.6.2 without an error. See the attached files, saved with MuS 3.6.2.
In reply to As mscz files are zip… by HildeK
Thank you very much !
In reply to Me too, I have two, i hv… by awkeshen
Try these
In reply to Try these by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you very much !
i have the same problem, please can someone help me to fix it?
Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
In reply to i have the same problem,… by Melted_yogurt
Try this
Please try and uncorrupt mine. getting same error Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
In reply to Please try and uncorrupt… by Nyoike Wa Kimani
Lengo Kuu La Sinodi.mscz is just 0 bytes, nothing to revover
Own.mscz opens just fine in 4.1.1, no need to recover anything
In reply to Lengo Kuu La Sinodi.mscz is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hello, would you mind recovering this file? Thanks so much!
In reply to Hello, would you mind… by 148mloftae
Somehow the ZIP archive (which an mscz is under the cover) is broken, the mscx can't get extracted from it
Buenas noches, lamentablemente tengo el mismo problema, espero en verdad puedan brindarme una solución, adjuntaré el archivo y el código de error emergente al intentar abrirlo.
De antemano, muchas gracias.
"Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0"
Good evening, unfortunately I have the same problem, I really hope you can provide me with a solution, I will attach the file and the error code that pops up when trying to open it.
Beforehand thank you very much.
"Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0"
In reply to Good evening, unfortunately… by romelivanomir
It contains nothing but the style settings
In reply to Help!!! by axasof68
I am sorry, no help is possible. Your file consists only of zeros, without any useful content.
For example, try to find a backup copy in the hidden folder .mscbackup.
I have the exact problem, i cant open it.
In reply to I have the exact problem, i… by Mbkoff
I can open that in 4.1.1
In reply to I can open that in 4.1.1 by underquark
Guys!Have the same problem could you help me with this,been working on this for a long time
In reply to Guys!Have the same problem… by kompik228k
This one too is just full of zeros
Please help me i cannot open it.
In reply to Please help me i cannot open… by oear
This file just contains a lot of zeros. You can check this sort of thing for yourself by using a program that can open and analyse files - you can Google how to do this.
I Opened the zip-file, i.e. Holst Medly.mscz with 7-zip and extracted Holst Medly.mscx. This file opened fine in MuseScore 4.1.1. I saved the file as Holst Medly_fixed.mscz, see attachment
In reply to I Opened the zip-file, i.e… by TomStrand
I guess that problem had been resolved back in March already?
In reply to I guess that problem had… by Jojo-Schmitz
Probably, I was at my computer this time and topic popped up and I answered without looking at the date🫣
i have the same problem here. can someone help me ?
In reply to i have the same problem here… by Ahmadi Ala
Try this
In reply to Try this by Jojo-Schmitz
HI! I'm experiencing similar issues with my file. Is a fix possible? I'm truly at my wits end and worried :(
In reply to HI! I'm experiencing similar… by christiannath2
You already asked this:
In reply to Try this by Jojo-Schmitz
Greetings! I have the same problem. Can you fix this?
In reply to Greetings! I have the same… by Rentta
Try this
In reply to Try this by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for reply! But it is only part of this composition, that i already have. I've tried to search the full (last saved) version of this project in backups, but it was unsuccesfully. The date of creation tells me, that file, that i've attached it can be last saved version of this project, that i need, but it's corrupted
In reply to Thank you for reply! But it… by Rentta
That's all I found in your mscz
In reply to That's all I found in your… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you!
Try downloading from the score page on the website.
I have the same problem with a file. I saved it all but now it shows me an error that the file was corrupted, can anyone fix this?
In reply to I have the same problem with… by Gamorus
Nope, it is all zeroes
In reply to Nope, it is all zeroes by Jojo-Schmitz
So there's no way to retrieve it at all?
In reply to So there's no way to… by Gamorus
Not from this file. But look for a backup
In reply to Not from this file. But look… by Jojo-Schmitz
How about this file then?
In reply to How about this file then? by Gamorus
Same thing, all zeroes
In reply to Same thing, all zeroes by Jojo-Schmitz
Damn, that means I wasted 5 hours yesterday. Thanks for your help anyways!
URGENTTT !!! Hey, I need to hand in something in 6 hours and have worked all afternoon on this, now after work i want to upload it but it says the file is corrupted.. please help
In reply to URGENTTT !!! Hey, I need to… by vindependent
Using a file editor to look at the contents (I used Bless but every OS has one), I see only this:
Nothing that can be recovered here. Have a look for backups.
In reply to . by underquark
Thanks for your quick answer. why does this happen? There seem to be many people with the same problem. My backup-file is a ~ file. I now converted it to a mscx file... hope you can help me.... <3
In reply to Thanks for your quick answer… by vindependent
Try opening it in a file editor to see if it is just zeros. If it contains actual data then it might be recoverable but if it is just zeros then there is nothing useful in it.
Read the posts above for things that other people have tried.
Why does it happen? I don't know; it never seems to happen to me using ubuntu on a desktop PC. I'm sure the program developers would fix it if they knew what the problem is. There seem to be a lot of posts related to it but I suspect it is a small number in comparison to the total number of files saved worldwide.
In reply to . by underquark
Hey, did you see I added the back-up file? Does it work with that file? Thanks so much
In reply to Hey, did you see I added the… by vindependent
Hey, you "bumped" your question just half an hour after asking again so, no, I just saw it now. Be aware that no one on this forum is a support person, just ordinary users. It's just luck, recent long-distance travel and generally poor sleep hygiene that had me answering your first post.
In reply to So, read the posts above for… by underquark
Ah, sorry, yeah, wasn't aware you weren't an admin, it's just because I'm also doing an allnighter right now, trying to retrieve this thing... but now I use musescore 3 - has never failed me... thanks anyways for trying. sleep well :=)
Greetings! I have the same problem. Can you fix it please?
In reply to Greetings! I have the same… by Rentta
Nope. Look at the length of it - suspiciously small for a MuseScore file.
In reply to Nope. Look at the length of… by underquark
Yep, see further up
In reply to Greetings! I have the same… by Rentta
This file apparently contains an old version 4 as *.mscx.
If you open the *.mscz with a zip tool, you can extract the mscx. I did that, opened it with 3.x and saved it again.
> Nope. Look at the length of it - suspiciously small for a MuseScore file.
Probably not, see my attachment. After all, 78 measures of piano music ...
Edit: the problem seems to be caused by a missing thumbnails folder in the *.mscz.
In reply to This file apparently… by HildeK
Ah, I stand (or sit) corrected; well done!
In reply to Ah, I stand (or sit)… by underquark
I have done a few more steps than you. :-)
Step 1: I try to open the file with MuS 3.7, if that doesn't work: Step 2. If it does: save and reopen in 3.7.
Step 2: I then try to open it with a zip tool, if it works: step 3, if it doesn't work: step 4
Step 3: I try to open the mscx with MuseScore. If that does not work: I open the mscx with Notepad++ to check if there are some gross irregularities, e.g. only the header and nothing else. Fine details are difficult to find here.
Step 4: I open it with notepad++ to see if it's a file with several kilobytes of zeros, which happens from time to time, or other irregularities that show me that it's not a zipped file, for example. See e.g. my post here in from Mar 16, 2024 - 08:17
When we reach step 4, the file could not be recovered in almost all cases.
In reply to I have done a few more steps… by HildeK
Step 1 - haven't bothered to register on Github
Step 2 - i only tried a one (built-in) zip tool. Lazy
Step 3 - I use Bluefish (XML editor)
Step 4 - i actually sometimes do this first and use Bless (a hex editor)
In reply to Step 1 - haven't bothered to… by underquark
> Step 4 - i actually sometimes do this first
Yes, sometimes I do too. It depends on the type of error message - or what I initially suspect to be the cause.
What has also happened: another zip tool could open the file, but my 7-zip could not. There is no single, all-encompassing solution for faulty files.
Hello All,
I am having the same problem as well and cannot figure out how to fix it. Would someone be willing to help me open this file?
In reply to Hello all, I am having the… by danielbode200
Your file is not corrupt, it just that MuseScore can't recognize music in it and throws up a default error message. It is empty (contains only zeros) and you can check for yourself by opening it in a program that can read files at a basic level (a hex editor, some text programs).
In reply to Your file is not corrupt. It… by underquark
So does this mean my work is gone? :(
EDIT: After looking at the comments above, it seems that it means that my work is gone. I was so looking forward to continuing this project after a few weeks off from it just to find out I have to start over. Thanks for helping anyway. :(
Hello I also have a similar problem anyone have any ideas for a fix?
In reply to Hello I also have a similar… by thetrueinsane
When opening with MuS 3.7 I have not noticed any problems. The file is fine.
In reply to Hello I also have a similar… by thetrueinsane
Opens fine in 4.2.1 too, but gets modified without me doing anything to it.
It stems from 4.0.2, so try updating to 4.2.1
In reply to Opens fine in 4.2.1 too, but… by Jojo-Schmitz
Can you help me with mine please im also getting the error message.
In reply to Can you help me with mine… by bendavidosbou
No. This file contains only 141 kB of Zeros.
Hi, I need help with this file too, please!
In reply to Hi I need help with his file… by NotesandRests
This file only contains lots of bytes = 00.