Score cannot be published

• May 7, 2024 - 01:01

I was trying to upload my music to musescore but it says "Your score could not be published." Does anyone know how

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Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 6.28.43 PM.png 169.42 KB


Make sure you’re signed in both in the app and If you are, sign out and back in in one of the places than try again!

Same 401 issue. Interesting that it says "try again later"... perhaps there is an overload somewhere.
For me the issue only exists when trying to publish directly from the "Publish" tab in Musescore 4.
If I go online and use the "upload" button it works but the recoded sound quality is not up to Musescore 4 / Musesounds standard.
I eagerly wait more suggestions and potential fixes.

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