Changing Soundfont from the middle of a score

• Jun 2, 2024 - 02:52

I'm working on transcribing an overture that goes from a legato orchestral section directly into a big band swing section and I am looking for a way to change Soundfont (or just disable the reverb) from the middle of the score. I've done some searching around and some of my own experimentation and have come up with nothing really usable. Does anyone know how to do this?


There are 2 ways i can think to solve this problem.
1. Add the instruments from the beginning, and then just put the music on them when you need it.
2. Use the "change intrument"

They may or may not work.

This seems to me to be similar to the change between arco and pizz. for a bowed string instrument. But I don't know how that was set up. It's now built-in (as far as I know???)

In reply to by Aiden Learned

I've only used that once ... and it was several month ago, so I may be remembering incorrectly. But my recollection is that the "Jazz tone" is used on guitars to turn off "distort", "overdrive", and "harmonics". Similar to "arco", turning off "pizz." for a violin.

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