Project Organization

• May 31, 2024 - 23:00

It would be absolutely amazing if on the Home screen in MuseScore studio, you could have folders with different collections of sheet music within them. I can't even begin to explain the convenience of this. I have a ton of seperate projects which could definitely use some organization.

I appreciate anyone who is reading this and would love it if this could be considered for future updates.


If your scores are stored online at, you can create different Sets which have the same effect as folders. If you open a score in "My Scores" you will see the option Add to/Remove from set in the 3 dots menu:


For an example of Sets in action, see the OpenScore Lieder Corpus of 1300+ songs in about 300 Sets:

In reply to by DanielR

While interesting to know, since this forum is about the MuseScore Studio application, not terribly useful. At least some of us here (namely, me) emphatically decline to use the webpage.

OP's suggestion is one that I have been making (to myself, at any rate) for several months. It would not necessarily entail MuS Studio knowing how to "build folders". It would be enough to be able to tell MuS to save "this OS folder" on the Scores tab.

This would go right along with being able to explicitly control what scores are "remembered" on the Scores tab, which is another suggestion I've been making here for several months.

Hmm, I've actually just had an idea along this line ...

In reply to by TheHutch

"At least some of us here (namely, me) emphatically decline to use the webpage."

Fair enough. I guess that my perspective is different, because the whole purpose of OpenScore is to make Public Domain scores widely available - and publishing on offers a platform where users can search specifically for Public Domain scores.

But I always use my own computer as the primary location when saving scores, and I only upload a score when it has been reviewed, corrected and is ready to publish.

In reply to by DanielR

An afterthought.
I think that MuseScore already provides a lot of flexibility if you already have a logical folder structure with its root identified in Edit > Preferences > Folders > Scores.

For example, this allows me quickly to navigate to the correct composer (and then to the sub-folder for the individual song):

In reply to by bobjp

Oh yeah! The important one of those grumbles is being able to easily (key word!!!) modify the list of scores shown on the Home tab. Being able to include a folder would just be a nice addition.

For example, I have a collection of scores that I use to practice my guitar with (guitar duets from the Mel Bay books). It would be nice to be able to include the several dozen of them as a single item on the Home tab. But being able to easily remove from the Home tab the scores that I'm done with--or that I created just to attach an example here--much more important to me.

Obviously, I don't know the code, but I would think it fairly simple to do. Right-click on a score on the Home tab and click to "Delete", which would modify the JSON file. Since right-click / context menu actions are available elsewhere, I would expect it to be (roughly) a copy/paste of code with minor changes.

I'd agree that the ability to add extra tabs beyond "New & recent" and "My online scores" would be handy...but to be fair your operating system almost certainly already has a facility to allow you to visualise all your documents sorted into various folders etc., from which you can open them in MuseScore easily enough.

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