A Down and Up Bow Tracker
I write for strings a lot, but one thing I dread about it is having to add the articulation for it. Many a time I would lose my mental note one whether the note was an up or down bow, so adding a tracker on the screen would immensely help my brain! And if this is already in Musescore, tell me please!
I think the best way for it to work would be to show you the symbol at the top of the screen whenever you click on a note.
In reply to Waiting for feedback from… by yonah_ag
To be honest, I have no clue what's going on. I tried to download elsewhere's plugin but I can't figure out anything. I tried to follow their instructions, but I guess they're a little too advanced for my brain :P
In reply to To be honest, I have no clue… by Heterogina
1) Download the most recent Bowing.qml file above.
2) Move it to your MuseScore plugins folder.
3) Enable it in MuseScore: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/plugins#enable-disable
4) Test it out.
At the moment the simplest way to check it out is to use the dropdown option to add calculated bow direction as letter codes to the score, (see image above). Use Undo to clear the texts.
If I'm on the right lines then it will be worth adding the up/down indicator to the plugin dialogue rather than as letters to the score.
What do you think about the situation with slurs?
In reply to 1) Download the most recent… by yonah_ag
Ok, I got it figured out, thank you!
Yes, having the actual bow symbols would help out a ton!
The slurs are a problem though. When you slur two or more notes, you're only using one bow stroke, so having the plugin saying "d", "u" , "d", etc. in a slur is incorrect.
I do have to thank you for putting a lot of time in to this for me (well, not just for me, there are a lot of composers who will benefit from this), it means a lot :)
In reply to Ok, I got it figured out,… by Heterogina
The actual bow symbols are to be shown in the plugin's window rather than added to the score, aren't they? The text codes are just for development purposes. It's a pity that the plugin API does not give easy access to the relevant slur info so I'll have to code the workaround suggested by @elsewhere a few days ago.
I have compared the musicxml and mscx formats and decided that the mscx is going to be easy to process for slurs. This file will get info down to the measure number and chord number rather than the tick so I will need to do some re-engineering of the current plugin since it maps everything in ticks! (Alternatively I could try to build a tick tracker whilst parsing the mscx file).
In reply to I have compared the musicxml… by yonah_ag
yonah_ag wrote > the plugin API does not give easy access to the relevant slur info so I'll have to code the workaround suggested by @elsewhere a few days ago.
Seems a real shame that the plugin API is limited with unexposed commonplace information, such as slurs. Somewhere down the road, it seems like it would make sense to take on the larger task of expanding the API. And that notion seems worthy of a Github discussion.
yonah_ag wrote > I have compared the musicxml and mscx formats and decided that the mscx is going to be easy to process for slurs. This file will get info down to the measure number and chord number rather than the tick
If you process the mscx (xml) does that mean you'll be creating a plugout rather than a plugin?
In reply to yonah_ag wrote > the plugin… by scorster
It would make plugins much easier and quicker to develop if the whole object model and all element properties were available.
Processing the uncompressed xml does make it like a plugout but this will all happen from within the plugin code. I will save the xml file programmatically then read the whole file back into a variable for parsing. (This is the way TAB Ring's 3.6.2 compatibility mode works).
Plugin Update 0.5.5
Found some time for a bit more development so here's 0.5.5 which processes slurs via the musicxml export and then incorporates the results into the bowing map. Please do some testing and feedback any issues. My simple test is shown below:
In reply to Plugin Update 0.5.5 Found… by yonah_ag
Brief testing here suggests that Add bow text to score is working perfectly.
Given your example it seems there's only the need to address inferences. For instance, one could argue that stroke at arco would be UP because it's on an "and" (in 4/4 meter.) But the reader never quite knows, so then it's up to the conductor or section leader to decide.
Of course the scorist can add a definitive stroke direction but—if they believe the inference is strong—he or she may prefer to omit the clarification, thus keep the score uncluttered by stroke direction marks that should be understood.
Therefore I'm hoping:
• we can define a list of common inferences (for various meters)
• allow the scorist to add staff text objects to enforce a particular direction without explicitly notating it.
. . .
The three Map options look good—though my understanding of them is faint.
How does one remove the d / u text objects from the score?
In reply to Brief testing here suggests… by scorster
• The map options are purely part of my development code and will eventually be removed.
1) Full map showed me the score elements available to a plugin.
2) Bowing map is a filtered map of those elements relevant to bowing.
3) Is the bowing map processed into up/down/rest at each score tick.
4) Is 3 realised on the score as it was easier for me to visualise.
The last update adds the 'missing' slurs to map 3 and this is now the basis for the plugin to actually work as requested.
• You can remove the d/u texts with undo.
• If a list of inferences and scorist texts can be defined then they can almost certainly be programmed. As with TAB Ring, I only have the programming skills so I am dependent on you and others to define any musical requirements. 🙂
The next stage is to get rid of all the map options and add a proper UI.
In reply to • The map options are purely… by yonah_ag
Looks good! One thing I noticed: you stop pizz after a rest without an explicit arco. That cannot be right. Ravel string quartet has a whole movement pizz..
EDIT And I notice now: the bow down in measure 4 (with the pedal segment) is ignored.
Test it yourself:
In reply to Looks good! One thing I… by elsewhere
Pizz/rest will be easy to fix but pedal I don't understand. Which bowed instruments have a pedal? (Maybe cello?) Is the pedal pressed instead of bowing a string or at the same time as bowing? Does it change the bowing direction?
In reply to Pizz/rest will be easy to… by yonah_ag
It's not due to pedal. Delete it & you get the same result. It's probably due to being in pizz mode. But doesn't a bow down imply that pizz is over?
EDIT: Also, after more than 1 run I get the error message:
Cannot write into articulate3.musicxml
In reply to It's not due to pedal… by elsewhere
I don't see any pedal symbols to delete: shouldn't they show as "Ped"? Since I have never played a bowed instrument I will have to depend on other users to define any implications such as ending a pizz on seeing a down bow symbol. Doesn't the scorer have to end pizz with an arco?
Not sure about the error message as I have never seen this even after multiple runs. What OS are you using? I can only test with Windows 10. Do you still get the error if you delete the musicxml file manually between runs of the plugin?
In reply to I don't see any pedal… by yonah_ag
Right click on the square bracket underneath in measure 4. It's called a Pedal Segment (news to me too) And delete it. I can't reproduce the error message reliably (Windows 10, running from the Plugin Creator), but why are you writing the musicxml file?
In reply to Right click on the square… by elsewhere
Can I capture the musicxml contents directly to a variable instead of writing then reading the file?
In reply to Pizz/rest will be easy to… by yonah_ag
Plugin Update 0.5.6 fixes rests stopping pizz
In reply to Looks good! One thing I… by elsewhere
I have just downloaded the score and the instrument appears to be piano rather than any bowed instrument. Am I missing something?
In reply to I have just downloaded the… by yonah_ag
What does it matter? Does the plugin know its a piano score?
In reply to What does it matter? Does… by elsewhere
It doesn't anticipate any pedal symbols so I simply ignore them. Is this the correct action or should the pedal symbol affect the bowing?
In reply to It doesn't anticipate any… by yonah_ag
As I said: the pedal symbol does not matter: with or without it I get the same result
In reply to As I said: the pedal symbol… by elsewhere
I'm getting a bit lost here. Your "down bow" appears to be an up bow and your bowed instrument has pedals, (which I am rightly, or wrongly, ignoring.)
Does the 0.5.6 update (above) fix the issue?
Do I need to be concerned with processing pedal symbols at all if they appear in the score or can I safely ignore them?
In reply to I'm getting a bit lost here… by yonah_ag
Just ignore the pedal. You originally opined it might affect the code. It does not.
And see below: 0.5.6 fixes the rest thing, but not the bow after pizz. I said down bow because the plugin put a d above it (EDIT: in measure 1). I attach the file processed by 0.5.6
EDIT: I only ask "Add bow text to score" and don't ask for the maps first. Would this matter?
(EDIT: tested this myself: no effect)
EDIT: I see in the code (lines 224 & following) that you identify up & down bow by a number. Could that not be a MU3.6 - 3.7 difference as we encountered before? (Where do you get these numbers?)
if (info==2652) {
info = "Down bow";
tick = elm.parent.parent.tick;
zelm = true;
else if (info==2677) {
info = "Up bow";
tick = elm.parent.parent.tick;
zelm = true;
In reply to Just ignore the pedal. You… by elsewhere
OK, pedal can be safely ignored, (though I'm still none the wiser as to which bowed instrument has them).
There are no bowing symbols seen after the pizz because there is no arco to stop the pizz.
If the arco is added then we get this
In reply to OK, pedal can be safely… by yonah_ag
Bowed string instruments don’t have pedal; they can leave the string to ring if it’s a harmonic of an open note but that doesn’t need to be notated.
Unless you’re thinking of octobass, but it uses pedals like organ
In reply to OK, pedal can be safely… by yonah_ag
Btw, these images are the “epitome of bad string writing” 😂
In reply to Just ignore the pedal. You… by elsewhere
I only ask "Add bow text to score" and don't ask for the maps first. Would this matter?
No, this makes no difference.
I see in the code (lines 224 & following) that you identify up & down bow by a number. Could that not be a MU3.6 - 3.7 difference as we encountered before? (Where do you get these numbers?)
Could be an issue. I'll check. These codes come from the ObjectExplorer plugin
However, in your post of Jun 22, 2024 - 01:14, you say " bow down in measure 4" but your image shows an up bow. Was this a typo? See https://musescore.org/en/node/364096#comment-1247335
In reply to I only ask "Add bow text to… by yonah_ag
The bowing codes are different between MS3.6.2 and MS3.7.0.
What a nuisance. I wonder why this was necessary.
There appears to be no other property available to the plugin API for identifying these symbols so I will have to add some version specific tests.
In reply to !! The bowing codes are… by yonah_ag
In https://musescore.org/en/print/book/export/html/76
I found this interesting bit of code:
var s = newElement(Element.ARTICULATION);
s.symbol = "articAccentAbove" // see SymId enumeration values
Could that not be used instead of the numbers?
I tried to paste it in your code but didn’t get any console.log output
From the documentation I pulled
enum SymId {
into Excel and forced items 1 per line and
stringsDownBow appears at line 2534
and stringsUpBow at line 2551
EDIT: Or get the bow info also from the musicxml file, now that you have the hang of it...
In reply to In https://musescore.org/en… by elsewhere
Thanks, that looks hopeful. I'll try the enum route first. No idea why console.log didn't work.
If I knew at the start what I know now I would've done the whole process via musicxml. A half-baked plugin API can be so frustrating – but understandable in a non-commercial product.
In reply to Looks good! One thing I… by elsewhere
My results with articulate3.mscz do not match yours!
In reply to My results with articulate3… by yonah_ag
EDIT: just tested bowing_4 and same result
?? Is this a 3.7 vs. 3.6.2 difference again?
I attach MU version and Bowing_3.qml I'm running
In reply to ?? Is this a 3.7 vs. 3.6.2… by elsewhere
You are running Bowing 0.5.5 in MS3.6.2.
I am running Bowing 0.5.6 (but just uploaded a few minutes ago), in MS3.7.
I'll try MS3.6.2 to see if there's a difference.
In reply to ?? Is this a 3.7 vs. 3.6.2… by elsewhere
This is my output with 0.5.6 / MS3.6.2
So, exactly the same as MS3.7
What did you mean about not writing the musicxml file?
In reply to This is my output with 0.5.6… by yonah_ag
Line 416 fid.write(mxFile);
If I try to open this file it says: not a valid musicxml file (as I suspected after regex...)
In reply to Line 416 fid.write(mxFile);… by elsewhere
That write is a debug for me to inspect the state of play after the regex. I will remove it now that the regex is working. (You can open that file with a text editor to see what the regex has done).
Is there a way to generate the musicxml contents directly to a variable rather than exporting to a file?
In reply to Line 416 fid.write(mxFile);… by elsewhere
0.5.7 : Removed debug file write.
Bowing 0.5.7.qml
In reply to This is my output with 0.5.6… by yonah_ag
Hang on why are there pedals
In reply to Hang on why are there pedals by Asher S.
Re: Hang on why are there pedals
This confused me too but apparently they can be ignored for the purpose of the plugin.
What does such a pedal sign indicate to a bowed instrument player?
In reply to This confused me too but… by yonah_ag
Absolutely nothing, although some educational music uses similar lines to indicate fingering positions.
In reply to Brief testing here suggests… by scorster
One thing that has just occurred to me. Could there be explicit bowing symbols within a slur indicating a change in bowing direction?
In reply to One thing that has just… by yonah_ag
yonah_ag wrote > Could there be explicit bowing symbols within a slur indicating a change in bowing direction?
I don't know of an articulation that changes bow direction within a slur.
Nor have I seen pedal used to affect slurs.
In reply to yonah_ag wrote > Could there… by scorster
Good to know.
In reply to yonah_ag wrote > Could there… by scorster
Just to clarify, in violin music, a slur by definition means ‘no bow change’.
In reply to Just to clarify, in violin… by Brer Fox
In reply to yonah_ag wrote > Could there… by scorster
Hi. I am back with my string-playerness :P
Bowing markings can be put inside a slur to indicate a smooth change of direction so that one would not run out of bow. This would be hard to program I think, but basically a bowing marking within a slur would interrupt and divide the slur at a given point.
In reply to Hi. I am back with my string… by Asher S.
If it can be defined then it can probably be programmed. Let's get the basics fully working for now and then I'll take on enhancements based on concensus in this discussion.
In reply to Brief testing here suggests… by scorster
> we can define a list of common inferences (for various meters)
I can help with this.
Plugin Update 0.5.8 - MS3.6.2 and MS3.7.0 compatibility
This uses ENUM for bowing articulation symbol testing since the literal numeric values differ between MS3.6.2 and MS3.7.0.
Bowing 0.5.8.qml
In reply to Plugin Update 0.5.8 - MS3.6… by yonah_ag
Congrats! That solves it for me!
In reply to Congrats! That solves it for… by elsewhere
🙂 Your tip on the enums gave me the key. I just had to try a variety of capital letters in the articulation name before I hit on the right ones. We're getting there. I'll have to add your name to the plugin credits at the top.
In reply to 🙂 Your tip on the enums gave… by yonah_ag
A new mystery: Bowing 0.5.8 runs notably slower than previous versions: 5562ms vs 41ms on my testfile. Seems like MS is incredibly slow at finding the symID (?!)
EDIT: I put a timer at line 373 and get the following output:
Plugin Details:
Menu Path: Plugins.Bow Direction
Version: 0.5.8
Description: Bow Direction
Requires Score
Debug: 373: 5661ms !!!!!
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 1ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 1ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: Process: 5709ms
but running again everything is fine
Plugin Details:
Menu Path: Plugins.Bow Direction
Version: 0.5.8
Description: Bow Direction
Requires Score
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 1ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: 373: 0ms
Debug: Process: 44ms
In reply to A new mystery: Bowing 0.5.8… by elsewhere
Did some more tests:
onRun: {
//var info = SymId.stringsDownBow
//var info = SymId.stringsUpBow
var info = SymId.sixStringTabClef
Each of these info lines takes 5 sec on the first run, 0 sec thereafter. It must relate to reading something into memory, but 5 sec is an awful long time. The sixStringTabClef item is early in the table but does not run faster. Maybe we should ask Jojo Scmitz what he thinks about this...
In reply to Did some more tests: onRun: … by elsewhere
Very odd. I had noticed that my first runs were slower but I put that down to my 13 year old computer.
In reply to Did some more tests: onRun: … by elsewhere
Missed the question, but have no idea what's going on there
I get 3530ms on 1st run, 0ms or 1ms on subsequent ones
But not per string, as the grand total, no matter how many strings
IIRC there some compilation going on on the first run, creating a .qmlc file
In reply to Plugin Update 0.5.8 - MS3.6… by yonah_ag
Is it going to get to 1.0 after 0.9.9 or something?
In reply to Is it going to get to 1.0… by Asher S.
Eventually 1.0.0 but the next will be 0.6.0 with a proper UI. Numbering could go to 0.9.99 but could jump from 0.6.x to 1.0.0.
In reply to Eventually 1.0.0 but the… by yonah_ag
Idea: add this plugin to the musescore.org plugins list using https://musescore.org/en/node/add/project_project
In reply to Idea: add this plugin to the… by Asher S.
I will when it's ready. I already have several TAB plugins there.
Development versions in this current thread give me good feedback and provide the context for other interested users.
In reply to I will when it's ready. I… by yonah_ag
Welp, accidentally created it already and can’t delete it 🤦♂️
Can you edit it
Oops lol
In reply to Welp, accidentally created… by Asher S.
No, I have no editing rights on other users' plugin submissions. I get "Access Denied". Maybe an Admin user can remove it.
In reply to No, I have no editing rights… by yonah_ag
Ok… who is an admin user? (Maybe we could leave that one up and make a new one for every x.x.0 major version?)
In reply to Ok… who is an admin user? … by Asher S.
No idea who the admins are. When 1.0.0. is released I will add it to the plugins page. Subsequent revisions will simply use the same page with some release notes as it would generate too much clutter having a new page for each version. GitHub will be used as the main repository.
In reply to No idea who the admins are… by yonah_ag
In reply to Ok… who is an admin user? … by Asher S.
Jojo-Schmitz can do it
In reply to Jojo-Schmitz can do it by elsewhere
In reply to Jojo-Schmitz can do it by elsewhere
I can edit, but not delete. Only Peter "shoogle" Jonas can
Seems it is gone, I get a 'Access denied' too now
In reply to I can edit, but not delete… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh forgot…
Yeah he did it.
Plugin Update 0.6.0 : UI
• Map the score. Repeat if score changes are made.
• Click a note then click Bow
• View the map or Add the bow symbols to the score
Bowing 0.6.0.qml
In reply to Plugin Update 0.6.0 : UI •… by yonah_ag
The following comments pertain to running the Bow Direction v0.6.0 plugin in MuseScore 3.7 onMacOS
I like the plugin's simple UI, but a few comments:
• Would it be possible for the plug-in to detect a change of selection? If so, the plugin could update its bow direction display without requiring the user clicking the Bow button. Actually, if so, there would be no need for the Bow button.
• I wouldn’t hestitate to increase the size of the plugin window, particularly to make the Add label more self explanatory. I think the u p r symbols are good but perhaps the plugin could also offer the standard down and up symbols and r:
• Is it possible to keep the plugin as the frontmost window? Or can it be docked?
Regarding the plugin's function:
The first run appeared to manage a perfect accessment. Then I added a slur. When I ran the plugin with the slur still selected I got an error message about being unable to operate in that state … should have jotted it down!
Afterwards the plugin seemed to ignore the first slur (in the attached score) and believed that a second slur included one note beyond the end of its reach, and the latter occurred even after closing and reopening the score. Quiting MuseScore fixed the tracking of the first slur but not the second. Will try some other tests.
We're getting there. Nice work!
In reply to Running v0.6.0 Bow Direction… by scorster
• I think that auto-update on selection change is possible in plugins.
• The symbols are only for debugging but could be changed to bowing symbols, (as articulations or as staff texts?), if it's worth keeping this option at all. I'm not sure what could make "add" any clearer: maybe a tool tip.
• The only way to keep it on top is by making a dockable version. I could make the dockable version have no controls and build the map automatically on run. This would give a very clean UI.
I'll test your score but I may well need a replication path to investigate the issue.
In reply to • I think that auto-update… by yonah_ag
@ yonah_ag,
Thanks for you comments in your last post. I'm particularly excited about the possibility of the Bow Direction plugin auto updating as the user changes the note selection. If attainable, THAT will be slick!
yonah_ag wrote I'll test your score but I may well need a replication path to investigate the issue.
Here are steps that reliably replicate the error I encounter:
• open the score attached in my previous post
• clear the text marks that indicate bow direction on my last run
• open the Bow Direction plugin
• press the Map button
• press the Add button
Problem: The stroke direction of the note after the second slur should be down (d), but it's marked u
In reply to @ yonah_ag, Thanks for you… by scorster
Updating on change is actually easy using onScoreStateChanged but switching it off is tricky. Recursion also has to get dealt with since the plugin can make score changes, (adding d,u,r), which triggers another onScoreStateChanged!
See https://musescore.org/en/node/364953
and https://musescore.org/en/node/320673#s43
Even after a plugin is closed its onScoreStateChanged continues to fire, presumably because the plugin engine is always running as a background process.
In reply to Updating on change is… by yonah_ag
Maybe it could simply show and hide the UI and letters?
In reply to Maybe it could simply show… by Asher S.
How would this help with the state change still triggering when the plugin is closed?
In reply to How would this help with the… by yonah_ag
Well, you wouldn't see it...
In reply to Well, you wouldn't see it... by Asher S.
In reply to 🙈 by yonah_ag
I must not understand what you’re trying to do lol
In reply to @ yonah_ag, Thanks for you… by scorster
0.6.2 Adds dockable plugin, onClick bowing UI update and replaces d/u texts with down/up symbols.
I know why the bowing goes wrong after slurs and I need to redesign the slur retro fit algorithm to fix it.
Bowing 0.6.2.qml
In reply to 0.6.2 Adds dockable plugin… by yonah_ag
onChange was likely overkill and, as you mentioned, led to recursion issues.
OnClick works perfectly in 0.6.2! And surely, that's adequate.
But is there a way to listen for Left and Right arrow keys and after keyPress or keyUp report the bow direction of the current selection? OH! It already works!! I didn't notice because I was arrowing within a slur.
That made me think: Each time the selection changes perhaps a little feedback in (or near) the direction rect—such as a flash or highlight—would visually assure the user that the displayed bow direction is unique to the sounded/selected note. Inherently we already have that adequate feedback when the bow direction changes, so perhaps the extra feedback should apply only when arrowing through notes within a slur.
Docking is nice.
Have you decided if the Plugin will open docked or undocked?
Once again, nice work!!
In reply to Excellent! onChange was… by scorster
OK, I was too loose with my terminology: the trigger that I can detect is onScoreStateChanged. This fires whrn a user changes the state with any action, (including clicking somewhere on the score), or when a plugin changes the state, (so it triggers on adding symbols to the score). Worse still this event continues to trigger after the plugin is closed. On re-opening the plugin there appear to be 2 instances of the plugin running, with both of them reacting to onSSC and implementing its processing.
The workaround is not exactly friendly!
In practise I'm hoping that it will not affect MS performance noticeably.
Maybe the bow symbol could be cleared in the UI for a fraction of a second before setting the new bow symbol. This might give some feedback.
The main issue now is clearly the faulty slur algorithm. It's a fundamental flaw in the logic so I need to rethink more carefully.
The docked plugin seems to work well even when undocked so I'll keep it. (I seem to recall that dock mode didn't work well with TAB Ring but I can't remember why.)
In reply to 0.6.2 Adds dockable plugin… by yonah_ag
0.6.4 Fixed slur processing
Bowing 0.6.4.qml
In reply to 0.6.4 Fixed slur processing … by yonah_ag
As I mentioned before
pizz. stops after a rest (without an arco). This is wrong (see attached)
In reply to As I mentioned before (https… by elsewhere
Thanks. I'll look at this next.
In reply to Thanks. I'll look at this… by yonah_ag
And another thing: doesn't arpeggio imply bow up?
In reply to And another thing: doesn't… by elsewhere
Not necessarily. I would generally expect to perform a descending arpeggio with bow up and an ascending arpeggio with bow down. (Lower notes are in the "up" direction and higher notes in the "down" direction.) But not always; I've done both in either direction depending on context.
In reply to 0.6.4 Fixed slur processing … by yonah_ag
0.6.5 Allow pizz to continue through rests
In reply to 0.6.5 Allow pizz to continue… by yonah_ag
In reply to Fixed! by elsewhere
In reply to 0.6.6 Fixed slow SymID enum … by yonah_ag
I tested 0.6.6 ... before its containing post was redacted.
When using 0.6.6 I encountered some oddities observed in earlier releases. Please see the attached score:
Seems like the plugin is prone to showing the following symbols, the first for Down and the latter for Up
In reply to I already tested 0.6.6… by scorster
Will be fixed at 0.6.7 🙃
The main issue being addressed is the slowness of using SymID Enums but I caused the side-effect that you found.
In reply to Will be fixed st 0.6.7 by yonah_ag
0.6.7 Hopefully this fixes it!
The plugin should only be run once in any MuseScore session. Even if you close the plugin it keeps on running, so opening it again actually causes 2 instances of the score state change to trigger. Every time you close and re-open, another instance of the trigger fires each time a note is clicked. Eventually this causes the plugin to slow down. There does not appear to be a fix for this, (see https://musescore.org/en/node/364953), apart from closing MuseScore and re-opening.
I couldn't find a way to briefly turn the symbol off before showing the next clicked note's symbol, (thus confirming that a change in note has been detected), so I toggle its colour instead. The two colours are defined near the top of the plugin via the cTog property.
Bowing 0.6.7.qml
Plugin Update 0.7.0 - Detect score closed
If the score is closed then the map is no longer valid so disable all buttons except for Map.
Bowing 0.7.0.qml
Note: The plugin requires MS3.6.2 or MS3.7.0 as there are hard-coded values to avoid using the very slow SymID enum.
In reply to Update 0.7.0 - Detect score… by yonah_ag
A couple of points:
1. In the latest version the bow symbols appear too low (halfway out the box). I run 3.6.2 from the plugin creator.
2. onScoreStateChanged is not that reliable. If (after map) I click anywhere in the score I get 2 state.selectionChanged calls which trigger an unneeded noteBow. May not matter, but might be wise to check if the selection has really changed.
EDIT: Look at the code example in
‘onScoreStateChanged’ is really a misnomer unless the score feels ‘hurt’ after a mouseclick
In reply to A couple of points: 1. In… by elsewhere
re: 1. In the latest version the bow symbols appear too low (halfway out the box).
I haven't encountered "out of box" bow symbols. Here in MS3.7 on MacOS the bow symbols are nicely centered in their container.
... However, when the user increases the height of docked plugin, the bow direction display and buttons grow increasingly distant from each other due to the object layout constraint properties.
And the Add button moves rightward when there's an increase in the plugin/palette width.
In reply to A couple of points: 1. In… by elsewhere
Update 0.7.2
Changed layout to fixed position, no reflow on size changes to the window. Works docked and undocked and I cannot get symbols to appear out of the box.
Re-engineered noteBow to minimize code when not selecting a single note element. onScoreStateChanged is a bit flaky: you get a trigger on mousedown and then again on mouseup without changing the score in any way. It's the only trigger we have to work with so we just have to make do.
Bowing 0.7.2.qml
Okay, I've just been testing it, and I got this. Kind of odd.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems to be misinterpreting a few slurs. Other than that, this is amazing!
In reply to Okay, I've just been testing… by Asher S.
"Kind of odd", sums this up very politely. Can you post the mscx for me as I don't know what a note with a dot on top means or how to input it? I'm getting there!
In reply to "Kind of odd", sums this up… by yonah_ag
A dot is a staccato. It appears that this messes with the plugin because it is an articulation. Although the slurs at the end are also messed up. 🤔
Appears to be fixed--I don't know what was wrong.
In reply to A dot is a staccato. It… by Asher S.
I'll test this score but without a replication path it will be hard to fix. It may be the staccato dots.
In reply to "Kind of odd", sums this up… by yonah_ag
Those are staccato dots—which can appear above or below the note. They do not explicitly affect bow direction.
Look in the Articulations palette for the option to add one to a score.
In reply to Those are staccato dots,… by scorster
I see HamSandwich hit the buzzer 4 seconds before me!
BTW, sometimes the "tracker" plugin provides perfect results on a score. Other times it appears to process no slurs at all—even on reopening MuseScore ... and reopening the score and running the plugin anew.
I've not been able to identify the trigger.
In reply to I see HamSandwich hit the… by scorster
Same. It appears to be working now. Maybe something like that happened. Would be nice to know what it is though.
In reply to I see HamSandwich hit the… by scorster
Linked TAB causes problems and I have seen this in a score which was sent to me by email.
Random working/not working is like those pesky intermittent car faults which can be such a nuisance.
In reply to Linked TAB causes problems. by yonah_ag
Well, next time it happens I'll try and figure out the problem.
In reply to Well, next time it happens I… by Asher S.
The issue is being caused by the other 3 staves in your score. If I remove these then I get the correct result:
I now have a replication path to work with. I already ignore these staves in the main mapping process but I'm guessing that they must be affecting the musicxml file which I have to generate in order to process slurs.
In reply to Okay, I've just been testing… by Asher S.
Update 0.7.3 : Fix for MusicXML with slurs and multiple staves
Bowing 0.7.3.qml
Note: The issue was nothing to do with staccato dots or any other articulations but simply the presence of more than a single stave in the score. This fix ignores the score after the end of the first MusicXML part section, thereby keeping only the first stave.
Update 0.7.4 : Fix for MusicXML with linked TAB (with or without slurs)
TAB with a bowing instrument?
Well, some scorers use this so it is another banana skin to avoid in the MusicXML. The TAB in a MusicXML file is mixed measure-by-measure with the standard notation so hopefully this fix does not slow down mapping noticeably on larger scores.
The fix works by removing backup sections from the MusicXML.
Bowing 0.7.4.qml
In reply to 0.7.4 : Fix for scores with… by yonah_ag
I think perhaps some music from antiquity uses viol tablature.
In reply to I think perhaps some music… by Asher S.
Some scor(st)ers continue to use it as a matter of course so I guess that it can still be useful.
In reply to Some scor(st)ers continue to… by yonah_ag
0.7.4 rocks! It no longer "ignores" slurs due to the presence of other staves. (Wondering, was it only linked staves that caused the issue? Not unlinked staves?)
This thing is fun to use. Takes a lot of tedium out of proofreading bow direction! And it helped me realize that I needed an up bow mark on a score I thought was finished.
Thanks so much for all your work on the project. This plugin goes in my workflow toolkit!
I would say too, regarding inferences: If a measure contains a rest before a single note "pickup" or a multi-note pickup, one can determine the pickup's starting bow direction by "looking backwards" from the first note of the subsequent measure.
Fortunately scor(ster)ists can add an explicit up stroke or down stroke articulation and make it invisible so there's no added bow direction articulation seen in the printed score. Thus the plugin doesn't have to rely on inferences.
Given the obstacles, i.e. the lack of plugin API exposures, it's quite impressive that you've tackled this. AND that you got this far so quickly!
KUDOS!! And thank you again.
In reply to 0.7.4 rocks! This thing is… by scorster
A very useful plugin. Thank you very much yonah_ag
In reply to 0.7.4 rocks! This thing is… by scorster
Re: Wondering, was it only linked staves that caused the issue? Not unlinked staves?
It was both unlinked staves and linked TAB staves but they needed different fixes in the MusicXML.
(1) Unlinked staves generate separate parts with each part being a contiguous block of xml tags. The plugin's regex processing finds the end of the of the first part and deletes all further tags.
(2) Linked TAB scores are completely different as the TAB notes are mixed in with the standard notes rather than being a separate part. Measure 1 of standard notation comes first, followed by the same measure but in TAB; then measure 2 of standard is seen, followed by measure 2 in TAB - and so on, alternating through the part.
This apparently simple plugin turned out to be much trickier than expected. If I started this project over again I would do the whole mapping in a single pass of the MusicXML instead of making 2 partial maps and then knitting them together. Such is hindsight but it's been an interesting learning experience.
I'll wait a couple of days in case any other issues surface before releasing v1.0.
In reply to It was both additional… by yonah_ag
Then I can have a tidy up!
In reply to 0.7.4 rocks! This thing is… by scorster
I recommended flashing or highlighting the bow direction symbol when the tracker shows succesive “same bow directions” within a slur. You opted to switch color with every stroke. This means that a down bow or up bow could alternate colors. Unfortunately this has the Stroop Effect on me (explained below.)
Wondering if you can assign a single color or all Down strokes and a single color for all Up strokes.
So then, on showing successive notes within a slur, possibly do one of the following:
• briefly show no stroke symbol, then show the current stroke symbol
• briefly show the stroke symbol at the same color as the background
• briefly show the stroke symbol with opacity (alpha transparency) = 0%
The Stroop Effect
The Stroop Effect (aka Stroop Test or Stroop Task) uses two basic challenges to illustrate conginitive interference.
When presented with an image like this:
... the person taking the test is to:
a) go through the list naming the color of the font (i.e not say the written word)
— or —
b) go through the list saying the written word (i.e. not say the color of the word)
In reply to I recommended flashing or… by scorster
Reminds me of the Brain Training game on Nintendo DS.
I can use any colours for any up or down but I haven't found a javascriot option for briefly show within a QML plugin. There is no sleep statement in javascript. I tried the suggestions here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/951021/what-is-the-javascript-versi… but without success. If you have some code that works then I will incorporate it.
This is the only reason that I am using any colour at all.
In reply to Reminds me of the Brain… by yonah_ag
yonah_ag wrote: I can use any colours for any up or down but I haven't found a javascript option for briefly show within a QML plugin.
Thanks. I remembered there was a rub, but couldn't recall what it was. ("No sleep" is hard on everyone!)
Now that the plugin works with additional staves present, just a single color per stroke type would suit me better. But I guess it's smart to wait and consider input from other users on that point.
In reply to yonah_ag wrote: I can use… by scorster
Found a potential fix and an explanation of why there is no sleep.
In reply to Found a potential fix: https… by yonah_ag
Plugin javascript does not appear to support setTimeout.
Plugin 0.7.5 adds an Alt option to select alternating colour. The default if off, (black).
Bowing 0.7.5.qml
In reply to 0.7.4 : Fix for scores with… by yonah_ag
And then there’s voltas.
It appears that the plugin makes the initial bow direction of the 2nd ending opposite to the direction of the 1st ending's final note.
But a 2nd ending should calculate it’s initial bow direction by examining the measure preceding the 1st ending—that is, the 2nd ending’s start direction will be opposite of the direction of the final note of the measure prior to the 1st ending. This would hold true for other endings too.
In reply to And then there’s voltas. It… by scorster
Workaround as noted here: https://musescore.org/en/node/364096#comment-1242392
So, add an explicit bow direction to the first note after a jump.
I currently only map bow-info-at-tick, so there is no score structure info in the map: no measures, no repeats, no endings, no voltas. The first step would be to see if these elements are even accessible via the plugin API.
In reply to Workaround as noted here:… by yonah_ag
This could further complicate matters:
Slurs across repeat barlines
In reply to This could further… by elsewhere
Yes, it could. The only proper fix is to process the score's jump structure.
A possible workaround could be to detect jump destinations which have no bowing symbol and add a red text to show that a bowing symbol is required. The user would then need to replace the red texts with the correct bowing symbol, (which could be set to invisible), before the mapping is marked as ready. As a consequence, the mapping process would need to detect these red texts so that it doesn't add another one where one already exists - although this could be seen as a 'feature' to draw attention to red texts which the user missed.
In reply to Yes, it could. The only… by yonah_ag
As you probably know already voltas can be found in the musicxml file as " < ending "
In reply to As you probably know already… by elsewhere
I didn't know.
I was thinking MS Object Model as the first port of call since it's already in memory but maybe I should parse the MusicXML in full for all the mapping instead of the current hybrid processing.
Are there any jump destinations other than: repeat, ending, segno, capo and fine? I'll make a score with all possible jumps and see what it looks like in MusicXML.
In reply to I didn't know. I'm thinking… by yonah_ag
Re. jump destinations: I saw in the manual that you can also have ending 1-5 (i.e. ending 1 repeated 5 times) and then ending 6 (instead of 1,then 2), but I don't think that would affect the code.
Also, if you go full throttle musicxml you can also find up-bow & down-bow and avoid the MU3.6 MU3.7 hack.
In reply to Re. jump destinations: I saw… by elsewhere
I've checked now and it does need to be the musicxml.
I've finally started looking at the effect of repeats and jumps but it is immediately clear that I do not know how these work in music - so I need some clarifications before I can start any coding.
See my expected versus actual in this example? My expectation was way off!
In reply to I've finally started looking… by yonah_ag
I do not think the plugin can or should guarantee ‘smooth’ bowing in repeats (see attached). But, of course, in voltas nr 2 should continue the pattern from before volta 1 etc…
In reply to I do not think the plugin… by elsewhere
Indeed! Well that simplifies things. Presumably segnos and codas could be similarly variable?
In reply to Indeed! Well that simplifies… by yonah_ag
Wiki says :
The instruction "To Coda" indicates that, upon reaching that point during the final repetition, the performer is to jump immediately to the separate section headed with the coda symbol.
• D.S. al coda instructs the musician to go back to the sign, and when Al coda or To coda is reached jump to the coda symbol.
• D.S. al fine instructs the musician to go back to the sign, and end the piece at the measure marked fine.
My ‘thinking’: The plugin should ignore anything going back (cannot guarantee smooth bowing). Anything going/jumping forward: continue the pattern
In reply to Wiki says : The instruction … by elsewhere
I'll go with that.
In reply to Wiki says : The instruction … by elsewhere
Can a score have a maximum of 1 coda?
In reply to Can a score have a maximum… by yonah_ag
In reply to https://www.reddit.com/r… by elsewhere
So they can have multiple but some people prefer none. When there are multiple codas can they be nested?
In reply to So they can have multiple… by yonah_ag
Just ignore coda2, 3 etc. and say so in the plugin documentation. I've never seen it and coda means ending...
EDIT: https://w3c.github.io/musicxml/musicxml-reference/elements/coda/
does not allow multiple codas.
In reply to I do not think the plugin… by elsewhere
Are we saying the same thing?
In reply to @elsewhwere Are we saying… by scorster
In reply to I do not think the plugin… by elsewhere
Doesn't this simple measure show that the entire plugin algorithm is fatally flawed?
Consider a score of 100 measures with:
(1) a start repeat on measure 1
(2) an end repeat on measure 100
(3) No bowing indications (therefore assumed downbow on first note)
(4) An even number of notes in measures 1-99
(4) An odd number of notes in measure 100
All the bowing indicators will be wrong on all 100 measures on the second time through.
In reply to Doesn't this simple measure… by yonah_ag
Not in my view. Just ignore the going back repeat and the violinist will have to deal with 2 successive down bows. Only look ahead & jump where needed.
In reply to Not in my view. Just ignore… by elsewhere
Agreed. I thought of this cruel twist early on, and think I posted on it: An odd number of strokes within a repeat indeed produces the opposite bowing on the repeat pass .... assuming there's no explicit bowing indication to overcome it. That reality is bluntly paradoxical, like: "Everything I say is a lie. I'm lying."
Nevertheless the Bow Tracker plugin is still enormously helpful, and it could advertise itself as accurate only when repeat structures contain an even number of strokes.
Possibly the plugin could post an alert on "odd stoke" repeating situations—which could be quite helpful as it could may indicate a scorist's error!
Calculating forward, as if there was no repeat, would seem to be the only solution.
In reply to Agreed. I thought of this… by scorster
You did indeed raise this "cruel twist". I'll get the voltas and codas working first, then maybe look at repeats.
• An "odd stroke" warning would be possible.
• Explicit bowing at start of repeats would help but only possible if the player is really not supposed to invert the bowing direction.
• 2 bowing symbols could be shown to indicate repeat inversion, e.g. d/u but this could be messy.
In reply to Agreed. I thought of this… by scorster
I would say that (at least at the moment) simply warning the user that the plug-in may have problems over repeats and voltas would be the way to deal with it. Perhaps a recommendation that they do those measures "by hand".
In reply to I would say that (at least… by TheHutch
In the example described above, (100 measures, 99 even note count followed by 1 odd note count), then the entire score would be "by hand" since the bowing is completely inverted on the second pass.
See https://musescore.org/en/node/364096#comment-1251081
In reply to Voltas may be OK. In the… by yonah_ag
No, I would make an explicit marking in the first measure. I would use your tool to identify up/down strokes through the 99 measures. Then, in that 100th measure (whether in a repeat or in a volta measure?), I would "manually" decide how to bow it so as to return to the first measure's marked bow direction and mark it so.
Then I would use your tool to begin again after the repeat.
In reply to No, I would make an explicit… by TheHutch
Then it would no longer be my scenario because it would not meet condition (3). In my scenario the player is intended to reverse the bowing direction on the second pass so an explicit marking would be incorrect.
There is an assumed down bow only on the very first note played, i.e. the first note of measure 1 on the first time through the score - not on the repeat.
In reply to Then it would no longer be… by yonah_ag
It's HIGHLY unlikely that a player (or section) would want to reverse bow direction in a repeat. Not impossible, just unlikely in the extreme. I don't see where you've stated that as a condition of a scenario, but it would definitely not be a common scenario to encounter.
In reply to It's HIGHLY unlikely that a… by TheHutch
Condition 3 says, "No bowing indications". However, I'll take your advice on "highly unlikely" since bowed instruments are outside of my experience and I don't want to waste time on unrealistic scenarios.
In reply to Doesn't this simple measure… by yonah_ag
Test score for voltas and coda. Do I need any other scenarios?
Making progress! This is my regex reduction of the corresponding musicxml.
The numeric rows are note durations; the other rows are self-explanatory:
Now it's time to parse this in the plugin code.
In reply to Test score for voltas and… by yonah_ag
‘Fine’ at the very end does not make any sense. It is used in DC al Fine or DS a Fine. But I cannot imagine it would influence bowing.
If everything works fine I would still test an arpeggio & a slur into endings (voltas) (as mentioned above)
See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/repeats-and-jumps#first-second-endi…
In reply to ‘Fine’ at the very end does… by elsewhere
I'll add these to the score. The Fine is there to ensure that I cope with unwanted sound tags amongst the ones that I do want. Dynamic markings are another instance to be ignored.
In reply to I've finally started looking… by yonah_ag
Development is currently on hold because my 13 year old computer has died.
In reply to Development is currently on… by yonah_ag
Worth reading:
How to create ties leading into a 2nd ending
esp Solution 2: Avoid leading ties
Gotta love simple fixes!
In reply to Worth reading: How to create… by elsewhere
In reply to Worth reading: How to create… by elsewhere
Solution 2 definitely has my vote. Amazing how much trouble an innocent looking tie can cause for notation software.
In reply to I've finally started looking… by yonah_ag
Plugin Update 0.8.0 : Endings and Coda
This update adds processing for ending and coda forward jumps.
Bowing 0.8.0.qml
In reply to Plugin Update 0.8.0 :… by yonah_ag
Slightly off topic:
I know “you can’t slur a pizz.” But what bowing does is not right either: it puts the same bow mark as before the pizz. In the second (and following) notes of slur. See attached. This also occurs in version 0.7 but not 0.6.
FWIW, my gut feeling is that you’d be better off with state table logic: in state “pizz.” only ‘arco’ can change your state (of mind). While everything is ‘obvious’ to humans the plugin needs explicit rules for all interactions between different articulations.
EDIT: I was wrong saying only 'arco' can end the pizz. state: an explicit up or down bow sign would also imply the end of pizz.
In reply to Slightly off topic: I know … by elsewhere
Looks like a bug. Should still be p as there hasn't been an arco yet. I am using state logic but I had not allowed for slur within pizz so there is no logic to decide what should happen.
In reply to Slightly off topic: I know … by elsewhere
I think that a test score covering all these scenarios would be helpful with text frames explaining what scenario is being tested, (Date, Scenario No., Description). I am starting to lose track of comments in this thread because they are quite scattered around.
A test score would also be useful for regression checking.
In reply to Plugin Update 0.8.0 :… by yonah_ag
Really like this plugin! You can imagine how tiring it is (after changing a few slurs and then) needing to verify that bow directions ultimately lead to the correct outcome.
However I may have encountered an issue. I've attached a score that shows a tie within a slur which seems to provoke an error or two:
Bowing Tie + Slur TEST.mscz
In reply to Really like this plugin! You… by scorster
Will take a look at the weekend.
In reply to Will take a look at the… by yonah_ag
Also need to comment out fid.write at line 313
In reply to Plugin Update 0.8.0 :… by yonah_ag
Another question:
When switching scores do I need to close the plugin to get correct results?
In reply to Another question: When… by scorster
By design you shouldn't need to but you will need to map the new score.
In reply to By design you shouldn't need… by yonah_ag
I'll keep my eye on that! I think I've switched scores, mapped, and found the results were incorrect until I closed and reopened the plugin and then generate a new map.
It could be handy to have an "Auto-mat" checkbox, so the plugin:
a) produces a new map on score change (of course this presumed that the plugin can detect score change.) And remapping can't hurt, right?
b) possibly produces a new map when the plugin first opens
In reply to I'll keep my eye on that! I… by scorster
a) I don't think that switching scores is a trigger in the plugin api.
b) Makes sense since there is nothing the plugin can do without a map. This will be in 0.8.2 and I will also fix ties within slurs.
Update 0.8.1 - Pizz now overides Slur
1) Slurs don't make sense in Pizz sections but, just in case the scorer forgets, they are now ignored.
2) Explicit up or down symbols already end Pizz.
3) Array variables for mapping are now reset to ensure nothing is left over when changing to a different score and re-mapping.
4) The fid.write() has been commented out.
A question: what should happen when pizz is ended with a down or up bow but then an arco follows. Arco means "end pizz and use a down bow" but if the previous note has an explicit down bow should the arco now be up bow?
In reply to Update 0.8.1 - Pizz overides… by yonah_ag
Re. "pizz is ended with a down or up bow but then an arco follows." I would say: ignore that arco. Arco means use the bow and you are already using it. The down bow was implied for a first note or a first note after pizz.
In reply to Update 0.8.1 - Pizz overides… by yonah_ag
Might wanna make this a plugin setting option.
I don't see a problem slurred pizz—that would be equivalent to a guitar hammer or pullout.
But I'm not sure what an predominantly orchestral player would make of it ...
In reply to Might wanna make this a… by scorster
Surely a slur within a pizz is still a pizz since there is no bowing?
In reply to Surely a slur within a pizz… by yonah_ag
Not something I've ever encountered personally, but I would interpret a slur within pizz. as a "hammer-on" or "pull-off" (to use the guitar terms, I don't know if there are equivalent violin terms).
So, yes, I would agree that "a slur within a pizz is still a pizz".
Update 0.8.3
1) Auto-map on launching plugin
2) Cope with ties inside slurs
3) Ignore redundant arcos
Bowing 0.8.3.qml
Are they any more changes needed to the plugin or is it in a fit state to go live?
In reply to Are they any more changes… by yonah_ag
Go live!
In reply to Are they any more changes… by yonah_ag
I was going to vote "Go live!" ... but bumped into this slurred grace note issue today.
Slurred Grace notes and the Bow Direction plugin by scorster
In reply to Are they any more changes… by yonah_ag
Sevsay’s book: The Cambridge Guide to Orchestration
It has info on bowing
EDIT: this is not the complete book...
EDIT2: But this excerpt has the chapter on strings:
EDIT3: I put the link instead of the file. May have copyright issues: