MSS4 - select only one octave's notes?

• Jun 10, 2024 - 21:13

Greetings: I've not seen exactly what I'm looking for (or just how to word my search string).
This is on Mac, btw.

I'd like to select just the top octave of notes: I Shift + Click to get them (Fig. 1)
When I let go: everything in the staff gets selected (Fig. 2)

Can I change this behavior in MSS4?
I'd really love to avoid a LOT of shift + clicks, and this is a task I need to do often.



Attachment Size
select octave.jpg 186.96 KB


In reply to by garyruschman

That's strange; it works for me in the latest version of MS. Scroll down in the Plugin manager to the Disabled plugins. The plugin might be missing its name. Once you find it, click on it and Enable it.

Once enabled, I recommend assigning a keyboard shortcut to it.

Shift+click selects everything from the first note/rest to the note/rest Shift+clicked on. Ctrl+click toggles the note/rest into and out of the selection. ... And this is true in many applications.

Click normally on a single note/rest. Then Ctrl+click on any note/rest (including the first) will add it to the selection if it is not included or remove it from the selection if it is included already.

If you need to have most of a large group selected, you can combine the two. Click normally on the first note/rest. Shift+click on the last note/rest. (This selects the entire group.) Then Ctrl+click on the notes/rests not to include in the selection. And, if you make a mistake, Ctrl+click to re-add a note/rest to the selection.

In reply to by TheHutch

Thanks--this has been my process, typically (accounting for my mac being Command in place of Ctrl in my case), but constant clicking gets tiring and tedious on a full day of arranging. One feature I hope we can get someday is that non-highlighted notes/rests/etc. won't automatically glom onto my selection when one does a click + drag in a bar. I'll give that plugin above a try and see if it helps. Appreciate it.

In reply to by garyruschman

I'm confused. Dragging a note will move it up and down in pitch or space it away from preceding notes, but it's MUCH easier to do either in different ways. What are you trying to do by dragging a note??? (I have literally never dragged a note at all in ~8 years of using this application until just now to see what it does to write this post.)

In reply to by TheHutch

I have dragged a note, but what I'm talking about is selecting things via holding Shift, clicking and dragging over multiple items to select them. You can do this with lyrics, chord symbols, and notes, etc. but if you select only the top notes of chords in this way, when you release Shift, it selects the entire note content instead of only things that you've highlighted.

In reply to by garyruschman

Yes, that would be expected. Don't drag the selection: that will select everything that the dragged area touches, including entire chords (not just the top note of a chord!) and/or entire measures (which includes all notes/chords/rests therein). I'm not 100% sure exactly what will get selected. I never use Shift+drag to select in any program other than graphics/drawing programs. Even there I'm more likely to use Ctrl+click and/or Shift+click if they are available.

Or Cmd+select each note you want to move. Then down arrow, or drag, to move all the notes at once to where you want. Works on a PC with Ctrl+select.

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