Graphic glitch

• May 30, 2024 - 09:14

The graphic interface is unstable sometimes.
It looks like a duplication glitch.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 101248.jpg


If you are able to to find precise steps to reproduce the problem, be sure to let us know, and then if others can reproduce it, you can open an issue on GitHub to report it to the developers.

In reply to by JiejunsPiano

Hmm, I still can't reproduce this. Are you on Windows? Which versio of the OS, and of MuseScore? Is your MuseScore window maximized? Is it set to full screen? Anything else you can think of that might be something you are doing different from what I might be trying? A screen recording might help us see better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It looks like the glitch is not systematic this way. I tried to reproduce it too but it didn't work.
The glitch happened when I turned back on my computer from standby mode with Musescore opened. It disappeared soon after I started to move the mouse cursor.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 194542.jpg

I'm still on Windows 10 and yes, Musecore is maximized.

Some minutes after, I put Musecore on the background with the save dialog opened for some minutes and the glitch appeared again.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 195429.jpg

In reply to by tlstuart27

I see this sporadically but it always fixes itself when I switch apps and back again. Since Windows handles the details of how windows are drawn, it seems to be a Microsoft bug - as far as I know, nothing an application does should be able to make that happen. If it only happens with MuseScore on your system, that's probably because MuseScore is the only application you use that uses the Qt 5 libraries and QML on its own end, and the Microsoft bug might only be triggered by something specific to Qt 5 / QML.

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