notating a cadenza

• Jul 1, 2024 - 00:44

I am arranging/transcribing a contemporary concerto movement with a long written out cadenza for solo violin. Several of the measures have 5 or 6 beats /many of which are in 32nd notes. (score is 4/4)
I just don't ask the right question in the search : "add beats to a measure" sent me to format>style> and very intricate layers but that changes the page - I just need a couple random measures with the extra beats.


Right-click on the measure, select Measure (or Bar) properties.
Change the "Actual duration" to whatever you want.

If you're not sure of the exact duration, estimate a bit longer, enter the notes and then delete any redundant rests (with [Ctrl][Del]).

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you so much - I printed it out .

But why can’t I find these instructions -

I go to - sign in
Support - online handbook -
and put it in search

But I’ve not been able to find many things -

Strange unrelated articles come up that happen to include the words randomly-

Like a simple request -
What’s the kybd shortcut for staccato so I don’t have to go up to the palette with the mouse and enter note mode again -

Any help is greatly appreciated -

In reply to by malou921

Sadly, the search doesn't really work too well. Your best bet is to take a couple of hours and quickly read through the entire Handbook. Not in detail, just a quick skim. Once you've done that, you'll have at least an expectation of where to find answers to particular questions, and you'll usually be able to find the right area with the Table of Contents. (That's how I find answers to questions :-D

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