notating a cadenza

• Jul 1, 2024 - 00:44

I am arranging/transcribing a contemporary concerto movement with a long written out cadenza for solo violin. Several of the measures have 5 or 6 beats /many of which are in 32nd notes. (score is 4/4)
I just don't ask the right question in the search : "add beats to a measure" sent me to format>style> and very intricate layers but that changes the page - I just need a couple random measures with the extra beats.


Right-click on the measure, select Measure (or Bar) properties.
Change the "Actual duration" to whatever you want.

If you're not sure of the exact duration, estimate a bit longer, enter the notes and then delete any redundant rests (with [Ctrl][Del]).

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you so much - I printed it out .

But why can’t I find these instructions -

I go to - sign in
Support - online handbook -
and put it in search

But I’ve not been able to find many things -

Strange unrelated articles come up that happen to include the words randomly-

Like a simple request -
What’s the kybd shortcut for staccato so I don’t have to go up to the palette with the mouse and enter note mode again -

Any help is greatly appreciated -

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