Marching percussion after update 4.3.2

• Jul 1, 2024 - 22:42

After updating to 4.3.2 from the previous update, my previous scores won’t produce any sound for any marching percussion instruments. I have to either copy and past into a new score or start over.

The attached worked previously and now does not.

Attachment Size
16th Note Timing Grid.mscz 48.29 KB


You will have to copy it into a new score just control A then Copy and Paste into a new score. It has happened to me a few times.

In reply to by JWLindsey

That’s…quite annoying. Lol

Extra steps during the start up of marching season isn’t desirable.

It seems with most updates I have to go “fix” something with percussion issues. It’s getting aggravating.

I know it seems a simple fix but there are other percussion issues that just add up.

Are you using a custom soundfont? That's not the right drumset definition for the Muse Sounds snare drum, which is what your score specifies. If you wish to use a custom soundfont, be sure it's present on your system and specified in the Mixer. It does seem to work with just the MS Basic soundfont, though - I just have no way of knowing if that's the sound you intended or not.

Anyhow, if you believe the score was not previously using Muse Sounds, or previously had the appropriate drumset definition for Muse Sounds, please attach that previous version so we can understand and assist better. But as it is, this score is doing what it is supposed to as far as I can tell based on the info currently in the score.

In reply to by brandonhbrooks

Hmm, which template specifically do you mean? And what version were you using before? The score you attached was created in 4.3.1, and it definitely calls for Muse Sounds to be used, which is incorrect. Are you saying 4.3.1 had a bug where even though the score calls for Muse Sounds, it was actually using MS Basic instead? if so, that bug has apparently been fixed. But the question is, at what point did Muse Sounds enter into the picture in the first place? Again, it's already there in the score, so whatever went wrong to put Muse Sounds in there must have happened before 4.3.2. And indeed, if I open it in 4.3.1, I see & hear the exact same thing: the mixer shows Muse Sounds selected for the snare, but entirely the wrong drumset definition, and thus no playback.

So, in order to investigate, we'd need to see a score that works correctly in one specific version (and tell us which version) but incorrectly in another. The score you attached says right there in the file to use Muse Sounds, so no version of MuseScore should ever have tried to play it with MS Basic. It doesn't play correctly in 4.3.1 (the version it was last saved in) or 4.3.2.

To get this file to play correctly in either version, you will need to change the sound from Muse Sounds (which is what the file itself calls for) to MS Basic. You'll also want to unmute the track.

It's possible you originally created this score in some version prior to 4.3.1 and that the original version of the score used MS Basic and played correctly there, and the change from MS Basic to Muse Sounds happened something between then and when this version of score was saved. if so, see if you can find that original version.

But again, as it is, there is no bug apparent here with regard to this version of the score. The score is asking for Muse Sounds to be used, so that is exactly what MuseScore Studio is doing. But the score also has the wrong drumset definition for Muse Sounds snare drum, and that's why you don't hear the playback (even after unmuting).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Sorry for the delay.

Battery Percussion Template

"Are you saying 4.3.1 had a bug where even though the score calls for Muse Sounds, it was actually using MS Basic instead?"
- Yes. All of this was done in 4.3 or 4.3.1 and flipped to MS Basic when opened in 4.3.2. It became a permanent change when saved with 4.3.2. I don't know if I have one that is only working in previous versions. I'll have to dig for something.

"It doesn't play correctly in 4.3.1 (the version it was last saved in) or 4.3.2."
- 4.3.2 Although now that it was saved will not play in either due to the changed sound source.

"You'll also want to unmute the track."
- I had it unmuted before I sent and still no sound obviously. I must have muted it by accident just prior to last save and send (facepalm).

The attached, SCHS Fight Song - Tenors.mscz, is a file that was created in 4.3.1 or 4.3.0. It worked fine. Of course after saving it didn't. It had the marching tenors sound file correct (even though it says MS Basic) but all 3 other instruments were not assigned the correct marching sounds.

Oddly enough, I found a score I did using 4.2.1. It worked fine in 4.2.1 AND 4.3.2. Weird.

Different Subject:
At some point I'd love to discuss notation vs. actual sounds. There are a few sounds that don't correspond with current marching notation.

Attachment Size
SCHS Fight Song - Tenors.mscz 39.69 KB

In reply to by brandonhbrooks

The attached score, was saved in 4.3.2, and like the other, it clearly calls for Muse Sounds to be used. So it]s not really helpful. In order to begin an investigation of a problem, we'd need to see a score that does not call for Muse Sounds, and then steps to follow that cause it to change. Youyr implication thus far is that there exists a score that plays with MS Basic in 4.3.1 but somehow gets changed to Msue Sounds upon loading in 4.3.2. That's just not supported by either of the files yoou attached. They both call for Muse Sounds. So if they ever called for MS Basic, we'd need to see that copy of the score.

FWIW, given you also made the human mistake of muting the track before posting, it's worth considering you might have also made the human mistake of changing sounds.

Anyhow, if you do ever find a score that does play correctly in 4.3.1 (or some older version) but doesn't in 4.3.2, be sure to let us know!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

"FWIW, given you also made the human mistake of muting the track before posting, it's worth considering you might have also made the human mistake of changing sounds."

I appreciate that, however all I did was open the file that worked in 4.3.1 the previous day.and it didn't work from the get go in 4.3.2. I didn't change anything, especially going in and changing sound sources. All I did was hit play. I'm not sure what else to tell you. I don't have a score that's fitting what you need currently. I will keep digging.

In reply to by brandonhbrooks

All I can say is, that first file was saved in 4.3.1 and it most definitely does not work in 4.3.1. So there must something else you changed. Or it was a different copy of the file. 4.3.1 wouldn't open the same exact file differently on two different days - that's just not logical. If it opens the file with Muse Sounds today, it would have done so yesterday.

Unless - maybe you didn't have Muse Sounds installed yesterday, and now you do? So yesterday, it was falling back on MS Basic even though the file was calling for Muse Sounds. And if Muse Sounds installed between then and now, that could explain why now finally the file is playing the way it asks to be played - by using Muse Sounds.

In reply to by brandonhbrooks

Could be that an automatic update left them temporarily corrupted, and you happened to listen to this incorrectly-configured score in 4.3.1 during that time period and that's how you failed to notice it was set to Muse Sounds inappropriately. Anyhow, feel free to check other older scores using 4.3.1 or earlier to be sure they aren't also set to use Muse Sounds. If you find one that is not set to Muse Sounds but nonetheless changes itself to that upon loading into 4.3.2, then we can certainly investigate from there.

In reply to by brandonhbrooks

I'm pretty sure they have already sorted out what they need, but if you'd like to volunteer to help test and give feedback once the new designs start to be implemented, just follow the discussions on GitHub and install nightly builds when they become available. I wouldn't expect to start seeing much motion on new input methods after 4.4. is released.

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