Documents Side by Side

• Jan 13, 2023 - 12:51

Hi everyone. I would like to know if "Documents side by side" view has been disabled in Musescore 4. If it was, it is a shame becauses this option was very useful and there are not things like that in other softwares.
The other thing I regret, is the view of scores in the same space as you could do it in Musescore 3, Now you have to open another document (like in Finale or Sibelius). I think the old way was a remarkable plus of Musescore, that is lost in this new version.

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Ejemplo Musescore.jpg 8.28 KB


How can I vote for bringing that fabulous feature back?
As a workaround, in MS4, how can I revert all my documents back to MS3 so I can downgrade and just work in MS3?
The Save As feature doesn't seem to give me an option. The uncompressed didn't work.

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