Musescore4/Studio MuseSounds Brass beginning notes issue

• Jul 17, 2024 - 23:17

So I just got MS4/MS Studio (you guys need to pick what we're calling this thing tbh) specifically to use better soundfonts. The MuseSounds Brass one is definitely 85% Good Enough to work with but the problem I'm having is the instruments all want to sneak into every note instead of attacking it or articulating any kind of a beginning, so every passage and every score has a bizarre niente entrance and everything sounds late all the time.

any fixes? ideas?


In reply to by Asher S.

Dynamics vary and its the same issue no matter piano or fortissimo, 60% of the time it starts from nothing and crescendos into the note (which never works on anything less than a quarter note at 80bpm lol) so its just dropping whole beats and the entire beginning of the score has mostly no sound until beat 2 at least

In reply to by evan12697

I get it. I just got so much into composing that I chose something more professional, easy to use, and with an iPad version, haha. Just don’t be fooled into thinking that MuseScore is the best out there just because it!s the only notation software you’ve used and that it’s free :D

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