• Jul 28, 2024 - 21:31

Hello, Folks

My request to designers at MusiScore for the ONE-KEY-PLAY is:

Using just the MuseScore notation software, the goal is to simply keep the selected note being played with ONE DESIGNATED KEY on the keyboard while pressed, one note after the other, continuously sounding (not automatically jumping to the next note if the key is not released). This is the logical way a musical instrument works in real life (e.g., a standard organ).

Following the friendly and kind advice and support here from Marc Sabatella, cbjeukendrup and scorster, I am hereby attaching a short presentation which explains the ONE-KEY-PLAY features, importance, and simplicity in implementation. It also explains the universal use of it for ALL people regardless of age, music knowledge or physical conditions; it is not only for musicians.

MuseScore users’ market may increase dramatically by adding a ONE-KEY-PLAY mode. Plus, consider the humanitarian side of it: Many disabled, children and elders will be now enabled to friendly play and learn music from day one...

I also attach here a brief description of Musicalis-Vox, an experimental device in which ONE-KEY-PLAY may also be used in the near future.

Thank you all. Your support comments here are greatly appreciated!


More info at:…

Attachment Size
ONE KEY PLAY PPT.pdf 490.99 KB


I have so many questions. I don't know where to start.

What is traditional music education as you understand it? Have you as a "layperson in music" ever been through it?

I'm trying to understand the part Musescore would play. It sounds like there is a score on the screen. The user looks at the score and, using the computer or an attached keyboard, plays the note. What if they hit the wrong note? How do they know what note to hit?

You say the user plays a note and MuseScore holds the note until released. Then what?

You say this is how instruments work. Except MuseScore is not an instrument. It is for producing notation. Which brings us back to the score on the screen. To be able to read that score, the user would have to have had some boring, tyrannical music training. Unless the program produces a tone and the user tries to replicate it.

You say this would be easy to implement. If so, with a little help, I would think it would be worth your while to learn how to borrow part open source MuseScore, and develop just what you need.

I'm not at all saying you shouldn't make this work. (Still not sure what "it" is.) Everyone learns things differently.

You say someone can play midi music in MuseScore on day one. What does that mean. They just turn on the computer and go for it? Go for what?

It is possible to learn some pretty bad habits without some kind of guidance.

These are but a few questions I have,

In reply to by bobjp


You may ‘courteously’ agree or disagree with my ideas or points of view, obviously. I am sorry you cannot understand what I clearly explained through a long thread. Many other understood.

Now, if what you are looking for is a special explanation just for you, I would suggest that you send me an email to with your concrete and organized questions.

Thank you.

In reply to by julianort


I don't disagree with what you are trying to do. I read your thread. That is why I have a few questions. It was suggested to you to come back to the forums to get more ideas to solidify your ideas. I asked some simple questions that should be simple for you to answer. Excuse me for being curious.
I'm sorry you felt the need to give a condescending response.

If I understand correctly, it's essentially a playback mode that, instead of playing music to a metronome, would advance the notes being played in a score similar to how one would scrub through using right arrow key. I just assume it would be controlled by some sort of midi controller instead? And the idea would be that it would attempt to play the notes at 'full value' unless the user advances early, correct?

And the purpose of this, I assume, would be to allow those who can not / no longer play instruments this ability through accommodation.

So it sounds like a hybrid playback mode.

In reply to by graffesmusic

I think the 'Musicalis-Vox' is julianort's term used to reference... simulation style? midi controllers. An umbrella term if you will.

In the PDF, that seems to include any midi device capable of aftertouch, given the mention of 'breath sensor' [controller] or 'touch sensitive.' So for wind instruments, potentially Berglund NuEVI or NuRAD, Akai EWI, or Roland Aerophone go. I'm not sure which one is in the PDF.

Now I could be completely wrong and OP may be asking for a particular instrument, but it seems more to me like an accessibility hybrid playback mode that can take advantage of many midi controllers to simulate the live playing experience without the need to know how to play.

In reply to by speedmeteor101


I would humbly suggest that you do a little test to help totally understand the ONE-KEY-PLAY idea based on the Casio manual explanation and a few pictures. See attached pdf file, please.

The Musicalis-Vox instrument is only one of the many ways to use the ONE-KEY-PLAY. It is OPTIONAL. However, it was especially designed for ONE-KEY-PLAY with interesting accessories.

A computer keyboard (and its computer with MuseScore) will suffice to play ONE-KEY-PLAY.

All ideas, questions, suggestions for improvements or comments are welcome.

Thank you!


Attachment Size
SIMPLE TEST.pdf 89.81 KB

In reply to by julianort

OK. As I understand it, you want this: There is a score on the computer screen. With one key play toggled on, the user hits the designated key and the first note of the score sounds as long as the key is held. Let the key up and the note stops playing. Hit the key again and the next note in the score plays. And on, and on.

If this is true, all you had to say was something similar to the above. All the mentions of Casio and Vox instrument only added unnecessary layers of distracting information.

I have cobbled together a "one-key" demo which works in MuseScore 3.
It uses the → (right arrow) as the "one key":
After you "play" this, you will see why the use of 2 keys (to alternate) is a good idea for improvement.

N.B.: Don't use MuseScore 4...!!!

Here's a more complex rhythm (open with MuseScore 3).:
Closing one's eyes and focusing strictly on recalling the rhythm (that was played in A) might mitigate a beginner's tendency to actually press the arrow key upon viewing (in B) a tied note.

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