Redundant midi tracks when exporting

• Aug 9, 2024 - 20:09

I would like some assistance and some clarification. I just created a song and Ms score and I exported the music for song as a midi file and put it into my digital audio workstation. I import the midi file that I exported from my score into my digital audio workstation, and I find that most of the brass sections and some other instruments have other midi tracks that I don't know why it exists. The problem is, there should be one midi track for each instrument, or staff, but, for example, the trumpet midi tracks have four midi tracks instead of two, one for each staff. Is there a way to fix that, or is that a feature?


Difficult to say without a sample. Can you attached the score?
Perhaps you are using different sounds/instruments in 1 staff which may be exported as a seperate track in MIDI.

In reply to by trevorvholt

Thanks, so here is what I found.

When I export this to MIDI, I get 35 tracks, while the score has 33 instrument/systems.
Virginal is generating 2 tracks instead of 1.
Harp is generating 2 tracks instead of 1.

What is happening is that for each staff (treble and bass in this case) a separate track is generated.

I do not see additional tracks for the brass instrument. I was expecting to see additional channels in the Mixer (in MS) but not the case here.

Maybe the DAW you are using is performing some clever "extraction" of the data, as what I do see that the MIDI file is using the same channel for some instruments. When I open the exported MIDI file into Cakewalk, I get the same tracks as I got when checking content of the MIDI file.

Hope this helps a bit.

In reply to by trevorvholt

Well it sort of helps :) I did not have any experience, but since a ProTools Intro version exists I could perform some testing.

I could not load your score, but I did create a basic score with a trumpet.
I exported this to MIDI and loaded into ProTools (I used the option New Track - Instrument Track (seems to be the default).
I then noticed two track being created in the DAW.

Checking the MIDI file again, I now noticed (as there is less data) that the Trumpet is using Track 1 (in my test), but has a two channels assigned for Trumpet. One channel for Trumpet and one for Muted Trumpet.
All notes are actually assigned to Track 1.

Seems there is an attempt to allow the MIDI export to use different sounds for each channel, but this is not perfect yet.

Seem ProTools is attempting to create tracks for both channels, perhaps because they have the same name or because the second channel contains some metadata in the midi file.

In reply to by trevorvholt

Related to the tempo, as I can't load the mid into the ProTools Intro version, I can't verify.
In Cakewalk the tempo is showing as 158 and don't hear an out of sync. Sounds like something else ProTools is "reading" different. If the full score is the same tempo, perhaps you disable to option to import the tempo map but not sure how/if that works.

In reply to by trevorvholt

Yes, there is a muted trumper in Muse Sounds. However, it works different compared to MS3 and perhaps that is what is causing (part) of this issue. In MS3 there would be a separate channel in the mixer for the muted trumpet and one for the trumpet. This allows you to assign a sound/track/channel to each of them.
In MS4 the trumpet is not split, so no option to select a different sound/track/channel.

Here some links to the open issues I found;

In reply to by Henk De Groot

I figured it out. The tempo and the Mitty were synced, it’s just that for some reason, the strings section from the sample library. I used behaved weird. It behaved and sounded like spitfire BBC oh discover, but it’s something that was paid by a subscription. Also, the logos samples for the strings in Museo are fine, but it doesn’t work with Minnie for some reason.

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