Musescore 4 won't open

• Sep 1, 2024 - 18:45


I recently went through some of my older scores made with musescore 4 and I found out that they cannot be opened anymore (example - the screenshot in attachments) - I panicked, so I renamed some of them (since for some scores there were some specific names I had) and it worked, but some still do not open even after renaming, moving and checking for bugs or anything, is there a solution to this ?


Attachment Size
Ekrānuzņēmums 2024-09-01 172142.png 24.44 KB


Unfortunately, your user name (and in this case also the file name) "Krisitiäns" (or similar) and "prälude-1.mscz" use umlauts. This is not possible with 4.4. Wait for 4.4.1.
In the meantime, however, you can drag the file into the Musescore window or use "File >- Open".

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