How to combine notes into a single note. If the 2nd voice is a note with a dot?

• Sep 6, 2024 - 18:14

How to combine notes into a single note. If the 2nd voice is a note with a dot?

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sshot-5.png 20.14 KB


In reply to by SteveBlower

That's correct.

Step-wise however:

   • Select the shorter duration note head
   • Press v to make it invisible

Result: The notehead turns gray onscreen IF you have View>Show>Invisible checked. Regardless invisible notes will be invisible in print or PDF. With View>Show>Invisible unchecked the notehead will be fully invisible onscreen.

Here's a walk through workflow example:

Double Stemmed Half notes in Guitar and Piano Notation.png

In reply to by SteveBlower

This is my source score—where I generated the image attached in the previous post. There's a good chance I'll continue to update the score, but perhaps not the posted image.

NOTE: renders scores as hardcopy:

• So even though the score has View>Show>Show Invisible checked you don't see the gray quarter notes "behind" the half notes in measure 4 on .com (because they don't show in hardcopy.)

• However, if you download the score and open it in MuseScore 4.4.1 you will see the gray quarter notes ... and you can suppress their visibility by unchecking View>Show>Show Invisible.

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