Dorico's Popover Feature

• Sep 9, 2024 - 16:04

I've been learning Dorico so that I can weigh my options. I think Dorico has a truly brilliant feature with "popovers." It'd be great to have a workflow like this within MuseScore Studio.

More specifically, the ability to use Shift + [key] to bring up a prompt that allows easy addition of an element (e.g. Shift + D opens the dynamics popover and you can type in something like p


I've never used Dorico and it's unlikely I ever will.

That said, from your description, it sounds like you press a key combination to bring up a menu of some sort, Then make a selection from that menu and type something to place a notation element.

How is that easier than clicking a note, then clicking a palette item to place the same notation element? Does not sound like any kind of improvement to me. *shrug*

In reply to by TheHutch

It's faster and easier (to me) because your hands stay at the keyboard and you don't have to hunt and peck with a mouse pointer or use a menu of selections to add the dynamic. For example, you can select a measure or range of measure, and then:

Press Shift+D
Type ppp

In reply to by TheHutch

Well obviously the ability to use keyboard in addition to a mouse only process is an improvement!
(I'm writing in addition to, not instead of, I don't want to remove the ability to do it by mouse).
But yes we don't need that if palettes in MuseScore become 100% keyboard accessible as they always should have been.

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