Improvements to Change Instrument text

• Sep 9, 2024 - 10:30

While the Change Instrument function works much better in MuseScore 4 than in previous versions, I have two suggestions that will, I believe, improve upon it.

  1. My first suggestion is essential: Put full instrument names in Change Instrument text. For example, I find it useful to change between different types of clarinets depending on the key or accidentals. Currently, when I change from Clarinet in Bb to Clarinet in A (or vice versa), the default MuseScore text simply reads "To Clarinet", which is basically useless. (And for some reason, I always find it necessary to change it more than once. I change it, it defaults back to "Take Clarinet", and I need to change it again for it to stick.) The default for Change Instrument should be the full instrument name, both in the staff text and the instrument names in the score.

  2. My second suggestion is more a matter of preference, but it seems to be the industry standard. Changing an instrument should result in two pieces of text: the new instrument name where it begins, and "to..." text where the previous instrument ends. As much as I hate to invoke the name, this is something that Sibelius does well: putting a change of instrument text when a new instrument begins automatically adds "to..." text where the previous instrument stops.

Thanks for your consideration.


To 1)
Well, Musescore 3.7 does it this way. So it must be a step backwards compared to 4.x. Report it on Github.
MuseScore 3 Evolution_InstrumentChange.png

To 2)
Once the text "To A Clarinet" has been written, you can move and edit it. So you can also turn it
into "To _ _ _ _ _A Clarinet" ...
(Multiple blanks are not displayed by the forum software)

Re 1) As a clarinettist, I am often transcribing parts that require changes between the differently transposing instruments. However, I can't have had to do that since moving to MU4 as I had not noticed the new behaviour. That omission is annoying! I think it stems from having the different transpositions accessed via a dropdown rather than as in MU3 each transposition having its own entry.

It would also be nice if we could choose how the transposition is named - Es/Sib/B/La etc.

Re 2) I think this is an industry standard rather than the industry standard. I often see parts that only give the "change to" directions and do not repeat the "current" instrument when it next starts playing. and I am not sure whether I prefer to see it or not. I confess that on occasion I have misread the "reminder" as "change to ..." and forgetting that I had already changed from Bb to A changing back again in a panic and then finding I am a semitone sharp (red face!).

If adding the "reminder" when the new instrument starts playing becomes automatic, I think the "reminder" text should be an option available in the instrument change dialogue. I can also see some potential wrinkles that would need to be taken into account. What happens if new notes are added between the "Change to" and the automatic "reminder" or if the notes are deleted where the reminder is positioned ? Does the reminder reposition itself automatically? How would intervening cue notes be handled?

In reply to by sammik

I can't say I've had problems with the default instrument change. Sure I have to add the Key of the new instrument. But I haven't seen it revert.
The biggest difference I see between Sibelius and MU4 instrument change is this. In Sibelius, let's say I want an instrument change only for 15 or 29 measures. I can range select the measures and add the instrument change. At the end of the selection Sibelius automatically changes the instrument back. I haven't used this, but some people might.

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