Bug when opening MuseScore

• Sep 9, 2024 - 20:56

I just installed the latest update (, and now every time I try to open a MuseScore file, the MuseScore app opens and then immediately quits. The only way I can access my files is by opening the MuseScore application first and then selecting the file I want to open. But double-clicking a MuseScore file directly results in the immediate app crash. :/


Problem is still ongoing - anyone else have any ideas, please?

Also, once I have opened MuseScore and I open multiple files, each one opens its own dock icon, as if each file is opening a separate app (see screenshot). This is definitely not how MuseScore (or any other app) is supposed to work.

(I did try completely uninstalling MuseScore and re-downloading and re-installing. Didn't help.)

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 12.11.21 PM.png 104.41 KB

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