Latest version of MuseScore 4 will crash when attempting The VST Aria

• Sep 23, 2024 - 21:44

After updating to Version 4.4.2, attempting to play the Aria VST will crash MuseScore where it worked before the update.


I meant to title this "when attempting to play VST Aria"
When I change sound back to MSBasic it works well. The When I change back to Aria, it still works. If I then save and close MuseScore and reopen it, it will crash when truing to play the Aria sounds. gfr

In reply to by gfriebeek

Hi gfriebeek,

I can't reproduce the crash (MuseScore 4.4.2, ARIA Player v1.959, ARIA Engine v1.977 on Windows10)

Can you provide more details please? (OS, sound library)

Also, can you attach the diagnostic files? (Top Menu>Diagnostic>Save diagnostic files)


In reply to by gfriebeek

You can edit your posts (including the initial title) if you open them and click on the three dots at the top right of the post. It is not considered polite to alter something to which someone else has responded (it can make their response look odd) but correcting mis-typing is certainly an OK thing to do at any stage (I do it all the time!)

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