I have decided that I want to delete a whole score - but I can't see how to do it.
I can use Command Delete - but it wont delete. Any ideas?
I have decided that I want to delete a whole score - but I can't see how to do it.
I can use Command Delete - but it wont delete. Any ideas?
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MuseScore doesn't delete any files
In reply to MuseScore doesn't delete any… by Jojo-Schmitz
Dear Jojo,
Many thanks for your kind reply.
I can stop struggling with the Delete, now!
In reply to Dear Jojo, Many thanks for… by jeffcarrollco
Your operating system can delete scores (aka .mscz files) just as it can delete other types of files.
In reply to Dear Jojo, Many thanks for… by jeffcarrollco
.... but if you mean the "recent file list", then this cannot be deleted - unless you delete them all. These are simply links to previously opened files. Not the files itself.