Tempo markings

• Oct 9, 2024 - 10:23

I'm transcribing some Bartók atm, and he sometimes uses unusual tempo markings where he binds together different notes = bpm. Is there a way to create these in Musescore? If not, it would be a nice feature.

Attached a picture as a reference.

Attachment Size
Skärmavbild 2024-10-09 kl. 11.20.28.png 18.44 KB


Not sure if there is a special built-in tempo marking or not but you can create your own from other elements. You'll have to do the math yourself, though, and set the actual BPM in Properties.


Attachment Size
tempo_linkednotes.mscz 17.05 KB

In reply to by Karl Michelson

I picked a tempo from the palette that had a quarter note, a dotted quarter and an equals [ = ] sign. I then copied and pasted those elements and shuffled them around - you can click/double-click into the tempo mark and [Shift]-[Arrow] to select an element as is is just a special character.

In my example I preferred just to use the keyboard and type and "undertie" using Unicode U+203F, but ties or "elision" can be found in the Master Palette in Symbols.


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