pdf shows extra lines on staff

• Oct 14, 2024 - 02:27

... and can anyone tell me why, when I print my music as a PDF (and I've tried a few different ones), it highlights various lines throughout the staff systems? I've never had a problem with printing PDFs before with any of my other software, Finale included. Why now with MuseScore? See for yourself in the attached.

Attachment Size
Thrice-Holy-Znamenny.pdf 105.63 KB


I don't see anything "highlit" in your .PDF. Describe exactly what you see and exactly where you see it. (For example, 'in measures 20 and 24, the second line from the bottom of the treble clef [the G] appears green' or whatever you are seeing.)

I would recommend also attaching the score (.MSCZ file) that generated this .PDF file as well.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

No. Some of the staff lines themselves, going across the whole system, were darker than other staff lines. But that's weird, that now I see it depends on which software opens it. If I open it in Firefox, or Nitro Pro (my PDF software), those darker staff lines don't show up. Only if I open the PDF in Edge do they show up. Weird. Edge has never done that before. So, I guess, never mind. Thanks...

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