Play panel clicks through to the score underneath

• Oct 27, 2024 - 03:56

OS: macOS 14.5, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.3-242971445, revision: eb6b367

See screenshot attached. I select a few bars, set up a loop. It works okay. If I adjust the tempo on the play panel, the click selects a different point in the score, underneath the play panel. The loop no longer works as it should. I have to de-select the bars, turn on the loop feature again. I mentioned this problem previously, possibly a year ago or more. Sorry to be tedious.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-10-26 at 8.53.15 PM.png 468.67 KB


It's me again, the OP. The problem seems to go away when I locate the play panel in some place where the score is not underneath it.

Oops. Back again. Further use indicates this workaround works inconsistently.

Here on MuseScore 4.4.3 (MacOS 13.5.2)

When I click the mouse over the undocked Play Panel I do not observe the score becoming the focus and interacting with the clicks.

These are strictly observations. I have no insight on the matter.

In reply to by scorster

It's not my imagination. It happens most of the time when I undock the play panel, set up repeat loops, then change the tempo, using the tempo slider on the play panel. It isn't 100% consistent, but it is not a rare event. If you can't replicate it, it might depend on the kind of score you're using. I sent you a screen shot, don't know what else I can do.

It's possible I could do some additional troubleshooting for you, but I'll need some suggestions.

Edit: I just realized something similar happens when I move the undocked play panel when playing back. Further investigation suggests that the playback point (cursor? I don't know the right name) sometimes moves to a different position in the score even when I am not using a repeat loop. Something is going on here, and it's been going on for over a year, through one or two iterations of MuseScore and the OS. As you can imagine, it's very inconvenient. I couldn't be the only one.

Edit 2: It appears that increasing the tempo moves the playback point ahead in the score, and decreasing the tempo moves it back in the other direction. This seems to happen whether playback is paused or continues to play. I might have been wrong in concluding that the mouse is clicking through to the score underneath the play panel. Maybe changing the tempo causes MS to recalculate the position of the playback point, and to calculate it incorrectly, at least some of the time. Would it help if I used a screen recorder to show you what happens?

In reply to by Timborino

"If you can't replicate it, it might depend on the kind of score you're using. I sent you a screen shot, don't know what else I can do."

If it depends on the score then attach a score that it happens with for you. Then someone can see if there is something special about that score (my guess is no.)

Have you tried reverting to factory settings?

In reply to by Timborino

@Timborino wrote It's not my imagination.

I'm sure it's not you imagination. I've encounter plenty of focus issues in MuseScore. What's your OS?

> It happens most of the time when I undock the play panel, set up repeat loops, then change the tempo, using the tempo slider on the play panel. It isn't 100% consistent, but it is not a rare event. If you can't replicate it, it might depend on the kind of score you're using. I sent you a screen shot, don't know what else I can do.

The most helpful thing is keeping an eye out for possible triggers and see if you can replicate reliably on a new score, or on a particular score. If so, post your replication steps so others can test.

And yes, next best thing would be a screen recording.

I tried for another five minutes on a regular density score of mine and couldn't provoke a screen drag while click in the undocked, Play Panel. This was true even when I tried your preparatory steps like, moving the panel, setting up loops ...

:-o I was able to replicate this in version 4.2.1.

Undock the Play Panel. Select a few measures (I think it's more obvious if you select a greater number of measures) and turn on the Loop. Click to Play. Make particular note of where you click to Stop the music! Decrease the percentage slider and click to Play again. Again, make particular note of where you click to Stop the music and decrease the percentage slider and click to Play again.

When you click to Play again it will sometimes move where the playback re-starts. That is, it will not necessarily re-start right where it was when you clicked to Stop. The difference seems to be no more than a measure or two. Sometimes, if you Stopped shortly before or after the beginning of the loop, it will jump ahead or back to the beginning of the loop.

In experimenting, I find that I can also get it to jump forward or back by changing the percentage tempo while the music is playing. Reduce the percentage and the music will jump back by a short distance; increase the percentage and the music will jump forward.

It does this in every score I've tried it on. Not QUITE every time, but most. It doesn't jump about 1 time in 10?

[A few moments later] It does not appear to me to be a "focus" issue. I do not see a click on the Play Panel selecting a point in the score underneath.

In reply to by TheHutch

@the Hutch wrote>

It does not appear to me to be a "focus" issue. I do not see a click on the Play Panel selecting a point in the score underneath.

Same here. I never experienced a focus issue, but it sounded like that's what OP was describing.

When OP said the click selects a different point in the score, underneath the play panel I thought he meant that the click was selecting an object in the score, which would have been a focus issue.

Glad that you both were able to identify the matter of the Loop function and the percentage slider.

In reply to by scorster

Right. I'm the OP. My terminology is imperfect, I fear. I didn't mean a focus issue. I meant that changing the tempo on the play panel changes the playback point in the score and often disrupts playback loops. I thought MS might be changing the playback point to the point in the score under where I clicked on the play panel. It was just a theory, and likely incorrect. Others on this thread have described the same issue I have encountered.

In reply to by Timborino

I remember a similar issue where MuseScore recomputes the playback point when you change the speed or at least something very similar reported in here.
I’m on a tiny phone and can’t search for you but I would recommend searching for the previous issue and add your voice there.
Hopefully you’ll find a link to github as well and be able to check the fix status.

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