Custom palette broken (DUPLICATE)
Update: This is a duplicate of a known issue
See attached. The custom palette was there. Now nothing. The attached screen shot shows the state after the palette has been opened and the 'more' button has been clicked. This palette was created yesterday and was working fine.
This one needs attention in my opinion. It's a show stopper for the feature.
Attachment | Size |
Custom palette problem.png | 92.42 KB |
Did you have more than one instance of MSS open when you added the palette? There are known issues around making changes to the UI when multiple instances are open. You should close all instances but one, then make the changes in the one instance that's been left open, close it so the changes are saved. Then you can reopen everything again and your changes should be there and persist. Also palettes can be saved to a file and loaded from a file - in case you want to have your custom palette saved somewhere.
In reply to Did you have more than one… by krasko78
Known issue
In reply to Known issue https://github… by SteveBlower
Thanks, I updated the subject.
In reply to Did you have more than one… by krasko78
Yes, I'm pretty sure I did (if two docs are two instances).
Thanks for the tip, but I'm going to avoid using the functionality. It's not really requirement for what I'm doing.
In reply to Yes, I'm pretty sure I did … by Postman
OK. One last thought. Until things get fixed. If.
I tried this. I made a custom palette with several images. Some from the Master Palette. Some SVG's. Some JPG.
Then I named and saved the palette to a folder in MU4. At first the save function took me to folder I don't have permission to save in. So I saved it in MU4.
Anyway, I closed the score in which I created the palette. I closed MU4. I reopened a score and my custom palette was a mess. I used the load palette function and my palette loaded and was complete. I deleted the old palette.
Yes, you have to load the palette for every score you want to use it in. But once you have it in the score, it works like any palette.
In reply to OK. One last thought. Until… by bobjp
In my experience, this is not broken and works as designed.
Palettes are Gui elements, saved in workspace(s), and are not related to scores at all.
In reply to In my experience, this is… by graffesmusic
I saved the custom palette in a workspace.
In reply to I saved the custom palette… by Postman
One does not need to "save" a palette.
You create a palette, using an existing or new workspace, and you close MS.
That is all there is to it.
Next time you use the workspace, the palette will be present.
Saving the palette is useful to share the palette with others.
In reply to One does not need to "save"… by graffesmusic
Yes the palette is there. But some of the cells might have blank images in them. Things saved from the master palette will be there. But custom images might not be. SVG's or PNG's will just be empty squares when added to a score.
In reply to One does not need to "save"… by graffesmusic
That's the way it's supposed to work, yes. It's not.