Docking the Properties Panel
I've searched for this issue and can't find anyone mentioning it so I hope it's ok for me to post this here. I'm using Musescore 4 on Windows 11.
I like to see the properties panel on the right hand side of the screen where the old Inspector used to be in version 3. I was delighted to find I could simply drag it there and dock it where I wanted it but if I close and then re-open the panel, Musescore puts it back on the left again instead of remembering where I'd put it.
I can't think of any reason why this behavior would be desirable so I wondered if I'd found a bug.
I think you are using the default workspace: every time you close the program, it discards the changes to the panel positions. You have to create a custom workspace: View ---> Workspaces ----> Congifure workspace or check on the right of the status bar (on the bottom of the screen).
Works for me (and without a custom workspace)
In reply to Works for me (and without a… by Jojo-Schmitz
Indeed, works for me too. If the panels don't remember their position it's a bug, even in the Default workspace.
I've noticed this issue myself but have not bothered with it because I don't hide and show panels. Now that others say it is working for them, I'll try and see what's going on for us. :)
In reply to I've noticed this issue… by krasko78
Not sure how hide and show panels comes into this?
If I do that though, then indeed it closed on the right hand side and reopens on the left hand side.
But I understand the issue to be that moving it to the right hand side doesn't survive a close and reopen of MuseScore. And this I can't reproduce
In reply to Not sure how hide and show… by Jojo-Schmitz
The OP said: " if I close and then re-open the panel, Musescore puts it back on the left again " - the panel, not MuseScore.
In reply to The OP said: " if I close… by krasko78
Oops, I missed that completely
Thank you for all the replies.
dj frank rose - you're right, I am using the default workspace and up until now I didn't know about workspaces so thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately, having tried it my Properties palette still won't stay where I put it, even after creating a new workspace. I toggle it on and off using f8 and every time I toggle it on it goes back to the default position.
Thanks krasko78, I'll wait to see if you come up with anything. I suppose the easy answer in the meantime is to just get used to having it on the left. I'm a creature of habit though I'm afraid, and I like to keep things the way I'm used to if I can. I appreciate your help.
In reply to Thank you for all the… by singingbassist
"I toggle it on and off using f8 and every time I toggle it on it goes back to the default position."
Wait a moment, I read it wrong before, this issue is an old one and occurs to me also, and I think to everyone, lol. Check Sorry for the misunderstanding.
In reply to " I toggle it on and off… by dj frank rose
"I suppose the easy answer in the meantime is to just get used to having it on the left. I'm a creature of habit though I'm afraid, and I like to keep things the way I'm used to if I can."
Why you don't try to leave the panels always toggled on, so you can have the property always on the right? Like krasko said above, didn't thought much of this issue 'cause I always leave the panels opened.
In reply to "I suppose the easy answer… by dj frank rose
I like to have the screen as wide as possible because I often take screen snips to import into other apps and the bigger the source, the less pixelated it is in the final document. A bit picky I suppose but if it is fixable it would be nice to have. I do realise I'm being rather fussy :-)
In reply to I like to have the screen as… by singingbassist
It doesn't strike me as being picky at all. It is completely reasonable to expect the Properties panel to re-appear where you last left it - just as it does in MS3.
In reply to It doesn't strike me as… by yonah_ag
In reply to I like to have the screen as… by singingbassist
@dj frank rose wrote:
Why you don't try to leave the panels always toggled on, so you can have the property always on the right?
You (singingbassist) wrote:
I like to have the screen as wide as possible because I often take screen snips ...
So, leave the panel toggled on then, from among the Home, Score, and Publish tabs, select Publish and the score widens. Returning to Score will still show the properties panel on the right-hand side of the screen.
In reply to @dj frank rose wrote: Why… by Jm6stringer
this is the best workaround so far, thanks again Jm6stringer for all of the suggestions and help.
In reply to Thank you for all the… by singingbassist
The F8 toggle works as expected in MS3.7, (i.e. it remembers left or right), so it's either been changed for MS4 or it's a bug.
In reply to The F8 toggle works in MS3.7… by yonah_ag
From the report on Github, seems like a regression from MS3.
@singingbassist ...Another thing to try...
Starting with both the Palettes panel (F9) and the Properties panel (F8) open (on the left-hand side), drag each and dock to the right-hand side, so that they become tabs. (No remaining panels on the left.)
When F8 and F9 are toggled in any combination, the panels still remain docked to the right.
Even with the additional toggling of the Instruments panel (F7) everything stays docked to the right - as a group of tabs.
This will survive a close and reopen of MuseScore.
N.B.: Use of the keyboard shortcuts (F7, F8, F9) does not bring each panel to the front of the tab group (unlike what clicking on the tab itself does). The keyboard shortcut must be invoked twice to bring the desired panel to the front.
Referenced here:
and here:
In reply to @singingbassist ...Another… by Jm6stringer
thanks Jm6stringer, I'll give that a go. It does indeed keep my tabs on the right hand side so it's just a matter of whether I can get used to having everything over there.
MY WORKSPACE resets to default randomly as far as I can tell. It happened in Windows 11 version and now in MacOS. Perhaps aggravated by the updates in MU 3 and 4? In any case it's an annoying little bug as I'm very picky about how the Palette is configured and it takes me awhile to redo (twice in past 2 days). One possibility: There might be a key or series of keys (like function keys) I'm hitting accidentally as I'm a sloppy typer. But I haven't been able to isolate the key or series of keys yet.
As this was reported at least 2 years ago as an acknowledged bug in MU 3, was it ever fixed?
In reply to MY WORKSPACE resets to… by artoffugue333
Do you see in these two links the bug you're reporting?
In reply to… by dj frank rose
First one. But it doesn't reset WS to default every time MU is closed. It's spurious and I don't know if it's triggered by anything I do on the keyboard or with the mouse. That's the frustrating thing about it.
I'll post more info if it continues and try to be vigilant as to possible triggering actions on my part.
In reply to MY WORKSPACE resets to… by artoffugue333
"There might be a key or series of keys (like function keys) I'm hitting accidentally"
Unless you are pressing the shortcuts for the panels, I don't think that the problem is related to some finger slipping.
Do you keep the panels undocked? Does the bug affect only the palettes?
I would like to sent the link to your first comment to the bug Github page but I don't know how to copy the link from a comment of the forum.