Pizz not working after adding in text Musescore 4.4.3

• Dec 5, 2024 - 07:41

On Measure 11 I added the pizz text from the pallet under text. However, I'm not getting the pizz sound.
Also, I'm pretty new to this software but I've read a lot of forums on here and nothing has helped. Is there any advice on maybe some settings I need to have in place as some one new using this?

Also, I am using spitfire audios - abbey road orchestra but even when switching this out for the default cello on MuseScore, the pizz text still didn't work.

Spitfire is updated as well as Musescore.

Attachment Size
Crescendo.mscz 1.48 MB


For me the pizz. for the cello in m.11 works fine, with the MS Basic sound.
But I don't have Spitfire Audio installed, so there is the big difference.

Perhaps another user of Spitfire can comment?

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