loopmarker MS4.4.3

• Dec 6, 2024 - 23:04

Once a looppmarker is placed it is not possible to delete or move pr change it.
is this a bug or how to handle it?


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank You.
As I understand clicking that button deletes the markers. Tested out, fine. But it isn't possible to just move them, in case they are at wrong place, i must delete them and replace new ones?
All right. For me it would be easier if I could right-click them and move them holding down the right mousebutton. Other programs do so. Double right-click removes them.
Wel, I have to learn.
By the way, can anyone tell when the "pianoroll" comes back, like many other I miss it very much.

In reply to by skalman1

...in case they are at wrong place, i must delete them and replace new ones?

You don't have to delete them, then select new loop measures, then activate the Loop playback.
Leave the markers at the "wrong" location, select the "correct" location, then double click the Loop playback button.

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