need plug-in :2 eighth notes /dotted eighth note
I am looking for a plugin:
a) after selecting a note region, transforming all:
b)after selecting a note region, transforming all:
I am looking for a plugin:
a) after selecting a note region, transforming all:
b)after selecting a note region, transforming all:
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This should be quite simple and you could take the duration change code from this plugin:
Is it for MS4 or MS3?
In reply to This should be quite simple… by yonah_ag
for MS3
In reply to for MS3 by fionacar
Definitely possible. Did the above plugin help at all?
In reply to Definitely possible. Did the… by yonah_ag
no! this plugin doesn't help me
In reply to no! this plugin doesn't help… by fionacar
Where do you get stuck?
In reply to Where do you get stuck? by yonah_ag
the plugin presents 2 tables that cannot be modified
This small expedient could be adopted. The very simple plugin that I attach allows you to store the 'pitches' of a musical fragment to transfer it to another. Let's imagine you have this melodic line:
after creating a rhythmic figuration of this type (with notes of equal pitch)
which is quick and easy to create, and can be saved as a template, you can apply the plugin first by selecting the melodic line and clicking on 'Archive Pitch', then selecting the rhythmic figuration and clicking on 'Restore Pitch'. The result will be this
Obviously you can create all the rhythmic figurations you want: the only thing to pay attention to is the number of notes, which must be the same for source and destination (otherwise you would see an error message). If there are chords, it will just be a matter of working a little more...
In reply to This small expedient could… by ILPEPITO
I think that you mean store the rhythm rather than pitch, don't you?
In reply to I think that you mean store… by yonah_ag
No. What is the use of memorizing the rhythm? Unless I have misunderstood, the OP needs to transform a certain fixed rhythm into another fixed rhythm while maintaining the same melodic line. The examples given by the OP have a single pitch but I think they only have the function of exemplifying what he wants. If this were not the case, you wouldn't even need a plugin to carry out the operation.
In reply to No. What is the use of… by ILPEPITO
If the region contained various rhythms in addition to those set, of course, things get a lot more complicated... eh eh eh eh
In reply to No. What is the use of… by ILPEPITO
The library of stored pitch combinations could be enormous.
I thought that storing rhythms was to allows such patterns to be applied to different measures to achieve the rhythmic changes that the scorer requires, without changes to pitch. Hence a library of rhythm maps seems to fit the requirements, whether the score section has single or multiple pitches.
In reply to This small expedient could… by ILPEPITO
In reply to I think that you mean store… by yonah_ag
I don't know what you mean. After all, if the OP judges the plugin I provided unsuitable (because it is insufficient, because I misunderstood, because... who knows) for me there will be no problem. A more serious plugin would require a much greater effort, which I have no intention of doing: I point out that I have talked about a 'expedient' that perhaps could save some time, that's all...
In reply to I don't know what you mean… by ILPEPITO
The above [-] was a mis-post.
In reply to The above [-] was a mis-post. by yonah_ag
I was wondering what that symbol meant: you never stop learning... moreover, the more I think about it, the less I understand the ultimate purpose of the request for this post. Mysteries...
In reply to I was wondering what that… by ILPEPITO
I replied to the wrong comment then couldn't delete it.
Maybe I should use [deleted] instead.
In reply to I was wondering what that… by ILPEPITO
If I get some time I'll write the plugin as requested because it's a tweak of 1 of my other plugins.
In reply to If I get some time I'll… by yonah_ag
The second part of my last post, however, referred to fionacar, not to you... good job regarding your plugin.
In reply to The second part of my last… by ILPEPITO
It would be interesting to know why such a toggle would be useful to fionacar.
It's a shame that writing plugins is so techy. It would be nice if it worked more like Mictosoft's Power Automate so that it was easier for many more users to add their own plugins.