question about harmony

• Dec 12, 2024 - 14:29

if a trumpet and a trombone play the same note, it sounds awful, or is it mandatory that the trombone or trumpet play a different note for harmonization ?
generic question for any ensemble (strings, brass, woodwind)


Sounds awful in software, or real life? Normally they would be an octave apart. Rules of harmonization have little to do with what instruments are used.
What is it you are trying to do?

In reply to by TheHutch

Trombones can also be written as transposing instruments, down a ninth and using treble clef - i.e. in Bb. This is the tradition in British (and some other locations') brass band scores.

In other contexts trombone is usually written in bass or tenor clef and sometimes in alto (Dvorak liked to do that) or more rarely in treble clef, all non-transposing. Switches between clefs within the part are common.

For a non-transposing trombone, the note written as a C would be written as a D for a Bb trumpet (other transpositions for trumpet are used in orchestral contexts).

Perhaps to help clarify, here is a score with four three measure trumpet and trombone examples.
1. an octave apart.
2. same pitch.
3. trumpet melody, trombone harmony (one example)
4. trombone melody, trumpet harmony (one example)

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It is important to understand where each instrument sounds. The trumpet is a soprano instrument, the trombone a tenor instrument. Their voices sound in a different part of the sound spectrum.

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