Adding Staves to my score temporarily or writing in four parts on one staff line
I'm working with Classical Guitar music which is normally printed on one staff. Because of the number of voices in the guitar part I'm working with (there are four), it would be convenient to either be able to choose an option for up to four voices in one staff or add staves to the score for certain measures within the piece to be sure it is clear that the voices are separate. Is there a way to do either of these options?
Yes, you can have four Voices on one staff:
You can also have several staves and hide the ones that are empty:
In reply to Yes, you can have four… by underquark
Great answers! Thank you!!
Yes, you can write 4 different voices on One stave.
I have taken the first line of "Silent Night" and put
4 voices on one stave. Notice that each voice is a
different colour. This helps you especially if the parts
cross over. I hope that this helps.
In reply to Yes, you can write 4… by jeffcarrollco
Great! Thank you!!