Ghost note entry

• Mar 17, 2025 - 23:27

Uploaded 4.5. Have same issue as with 4.4. A "ghost note" sounds and is entered on the staff of my score about every 7 seconds. The note is entered on staff lines way below the standard staff (about 10-15 lines). If I enter a note (using the pen method), the ghost note will sound and move my newly, manually entered note down to the level (pitch) of the other ghost notes. I cannot turn this off or stop it from occurring.
In version 4.4, I could copy and paste a note to prevent the ghost from occurring, but in 4.5, the ghost note starts upon opening the app and will not stop. It has rendered Musescore unusable.
Please help, I am totally out of business like this.


In reply to by TheHutch

Point taken. In desperation I opened Playback Settings and disabled MIDI Input. Problem disappeared. Is there a known conflict? Have a Faderport(HUI) and M Audio Oxygen 25 attached I don't normally use a midi input device so no great loss. I would like to though. Have an M Audio Oxygen 25. Can't get it to talk to Musescore. I also have Kontakt 7 open and Midi device talks to Kontakt but not Musescore. Is there a sequence or a known issue with Kontakt 7 and Musescore both being open?

In reply to by 0118mnt

Given that description, I'd say that it sounds like your MIDI device is sending some kind of stray signal to MuseScore.

For the fun of it, turn MIDI Input back on. Verify that the ghost note returns. Then exit MuseScore Studio. Physically disconnect your MIDI devices. Launch MuseScore again and see if the odd ghost note still appears. If so, look into your MIDI devices and try to identify what they are doing. You might try re-connecting them one at a time to identify which of them is sending that stray signal.

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