Notation question with example

• May 29, 2010 - 18:41

Hi, I've attached 2 examples of drum notation I need
to use. The second example I think I'll be able to figure out,
it's the first example I'm more concerned about.
Any help with either one would be appreciated.

Attachment Size
drum tab sample 2.jpg 501.54 KB


In reply to by shapsticks

I can't seem to get a whole measure of 8th note triplets going.
I've tried both methods (in note entry and not) and I can get
to a point where i get the 1st 8th note triplet and 2 rests.
When I continue adding the notes, it either turns back to a 1/4 note
or into 16th triplets and turns the following notes into different values.

In reply to by shapsticks

I created a new score (ver.9.5).
In note entry mode, I created a quarter note. I then clicked on tuplet and
got the eighth note triplet with 1 eighth note and 2 eighth note rests.
I then tried double clicking and drop and dragging to complete the triplet
and it turned to a quarter note using both methods.
I also tried this in edit mode and the same thing happened.

In reply to by xavierjazz

The first measure, I created an eighth note triplet. It turned back to a quarter note
after trying to add the second triplet ("trip"). The second measure is the
stage just before it turns back to a quarter.
The whole process is in my previous post.

Attachment Size
Triplet Test.mscz 1.97 KB

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